'rut sent or mrssuOÑEsS. sound ;" Ps. lxxxix: 15. But there are degrees'of this blessed- ness, even in the landswhich enjoy thegospel: Blessed are they above others, who dwell near to the placesof public worship, who sit under an enlightening, a powerful and persuasive ministry, who have opportunity to hear the word of God often, and who have skill to read it. Blessed are they who are, born of religious parents, and trained up in the early forms of piety; these are still brought near unto God; they are nursed up, as it were, in his churches, and dwell in his courts. And blessedare those who are devoted to the service of the sanctuary,like the priests and levites of old, who were brought nearest to God, among all Is rael ; for their civil employment, as well as their religious duty, led them continuallytowardGod, heaven and happiness. But all theseglorious privileges are notsufficient to ensure eternal felicity -, unless we come one step farther in approaching to God. Second degreeof blessedness Ii. Happy are those souls 'Who have been taught to improve their outward advantages of nearness to God, so as to obtain reconciliation, with him by the blood of Christ. This is the great end of all the privileges before-mentioned, which either Jew of Gentilewere partakers of : Thiswas the design of all the approaches that God made to- wards them. Peace and Salvation, were preached tó those which wereafar of and to them that were nigh, and Christ died to re- concileboth unto God ; and that through him both might have an access by one Spirit ?into the Father: bph. ii. 16, 17, 18. Why areall the alluringglories of the Lorddisplayed before us; in .his gospel, but that we might be drawnto love him ? Why are these wondrous manifestations of his grace made tous, but that five' might become theobjects of his love,,and taste of his special good. ness. Happy persons, who are weary of their old estrangemene from God, who have heard and have received the offers of his mercy, who have made theirsolemn approaches to God byJesus the Mediator, andare joined to the Lord in a sweet and everlast= ing covenant ! Happy creatures, who behold the beauties of their Maker's face with doublepleasure, who love him with all theirsouls, and begin to taste the love of his heart too !' This is a matter of special privilege. Blessed are the men who are thug chosen by divine grace, and whom he has caused to approach to himself by the converting power of his Own Spirit ! Let them come, let them come, and give up their names to his churches let them take up their places, and dwell in his courts on earth, and thus make anearer approach tohis court of heaven. O that sinners would oncebe convinced that there are divine pleasures in religion, and joys which the stranger intermeddlesnoí with!, O that they would be once brought to believe, that happi