l7á THE SCALE OF BLESSEDNESS. medium through which we approach and we enjoy, as well as a person who himself, and for himself, approaches and enjoys : As when a stream of wine or livingwater is conveyedfrom the spring by apipeor channel, the pipe has a tincture of the rich liquor as it flows ; so, if it be lawful to illustrate things heavenly and di- vine, by thingson earth, `and to bring themdown to our ideas by material similitudes, our Lord Jesus, who is authorised toconfer life and joy on the saints, and through whom all grace, glory, and blessedness, are conveyed to them, feels, and tastes, and relishes, eminently and in a superior manner, all the joy and the blessedness that he conveys to our souls; and all better than we can do, for he is nearer the fountain; he takes adivine and un- known satisfaction in every blessing whichhecommunicates to us. Besides all this, there are some richer streams that terminate and end in himself; the peculiar privileges and pleasures of the good man, while others flow through him, as the head, down to all his members, and give him the first relish of their sweetness. When Christ, at the head of allthe elect saints, shall at the great day draw near to the Father, and say, Here am I and the children thou hast given me; those blessed ones whom thou hast chosen, that they may approach unto thee by me ; I have often, approached to thee for them, and behold I now approach with them to the courtsof thy upper house. Whatmanner of joy and glory shall this be ! How unspeakably blessed is our LordJesus; and we rejoice with wonder ! [This sermon may be divided here.] Fifth, or supreme degree of Blessedness.V. Our admi- ration may be raised yet higher, if we make one excursion beyond all created nature, and lift our thoughts upward to the blessedness of the three glorious persons in the trinity*. All their infinite and unknown pleasures are derived from their ineffable union and communion in one godhead, their inconceivable nearness to each other in the verycentre and springof all felicity. They are inseparably and intimately one with God ; they are eternally one God, and therefore eternallyblessed ; 1 John v. 7. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost ; and these three are one ; which text I believe to be authentic and divine, and that upon just reasons, notwith- standing all the cavils and criticisms that have endeavoured to blot it out of the bible. Nor is their blessedness, or their near- ness, a dull inactive state : Knowledge and mutual love make up their heaven, so far as mortals dare conceive of it, and so far as we have leave toSpeak of God after the manner of men. is See the note toward theend of this part of the sermon, p. 151.