SERMON XIV. Appearance before God here and hereafter PSALM xlii. 2.When shall I come and appear before God. THE SECOND PART. By an appearance before God, in the text we are to under- stand our attendance upon him in the public ordinances of wor- ship ; and the longing desire the Psalmist had to draw near unto God in his ordinances, represents to us the character of every sincere christian, when he enjoys his own right frame, and hea- venly temper of soul ; He longs, he breathes after those seasons of divine improvement andcomfort. I shall make no further repetition of any thing before deli- vered ; but considering that all our appearances beforeGod in this world in his sanctuary, are but means to prepare us to stand before God in the world that is to come ; I shall not think myself at all to wander from the text, if I spend my whole time, at pre- sent in shewing the difference that is between our appearance before God on earth here, and our appearingbefore him in the other world hereafter ; and this in order to awaken thesinner, and toencourage the true christian. There are two great future appearancesbefore God, the one at judgment, and the other in glory in heaven. The one belongs to all men, the other only to the saints. And now that I may divide my.discourse aright and give to everyone their por- tion, I would beg leave chiefly to apply our general appearance before God atjudgment, to those who are unconverted, and in a state of sin ; for we have reason to fear that there may be some suchamong us : And I will apply the blessed appearance before God in heaven to converted souls, to whom only it belongs : These are the persons who have faith and love, and are in some measure prepared to appear and worship there. First then, Let us consider our appearance before God in judgment. It is true, at the moment of death oursouls immedi- ately standbefore God to be judged, as well as our souls and bodies united, shall stand together there in the great day of the resurrection; yetl shall not make any distinction of these seasons now, lest I should multiply particulars ; but shall treat of them together, to awaken the secure and sinful worshipper, who