Saar ii. . SERMON XIV. 209 this hoperejoice our hearts, if we could but live upon it ! What secret comfort would it be to a poor humble soul, who is hindered from drawing near to God in worship now, because his affections areperpetually ready to wander, to think that he shall come and appear before God hereafter, and see himwithout ceasing, andhis thoughts shall never wander from his God. When'he complains under the temptations of Satan, and absence of God from his ordinances, what-a pleasure to think he is going above to worship at the general assembly, where Satan never enters, and where God never conceals himself; but appears universally gracious, andwithout a frown ; where the God of glory and mercy appears unchangeably,and for everthe same. Those of us who have been long..restrained from all the pleasure and profit of public ordinances, what a blessed . release will it be to our souls, when we shall be dismissed from the bonds of flesh, into that great and -holy society of spirits, and shall feel no more restraints for ever ? We who have been detained from the house of God, by the uncharitablelaws of men, or the painful providence of God, ivith what a divine relish shall we embrace our liberty in that day, and be eternally free from all forbidding laws, and all imprisoning providences ? O howheartily should it engage our affections to one ono.. ther, and increase the pleasure of our worship, when we come to wait on God together here below, to think that we shall worship God together in the upper world ? How should it unite the hearts ofour congregations one to another in divine love and make èhristians for ever forbear wrath and anger here, since they must be everlasting fellow- worshippers above? What a glorious joy-will it beto you who are the heads and rulers of this family, whohave sooften joined in sweet devotion here on earth, whets you shall meet each other there, and wor- ship together before the throne in heaven ? What a mutual en- dearment, and mutual delight does such a prospect raise between the nearest relations ? How doth it exalt the sweetest passion, heighten and refine the warmest love ? What a blessed trans- port will it he to the parents, tofind their children there engaged in the same work ? And what a joyful meetingwill it be to you, the children, the hopeful `offspring of this house, to find each other in that company, and to see your pious parents with you ? With what a glorious and unspeakable joy shall parents render up their accounts to God in this language, " Lord here am I, and the children that thou hast givenme ;" imitating the words of the Lord Jesus, givingup Isisaccount to his Father; Heb. ii. 13. Howwill our gladness increase, and our souls enlarge them- selves in holy joy, to behold our chrislian friends, and-our dcnr r2