Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

!V 210 APPEARANCE BEFORE GOD. relatives, standing in the same assembly, as fellow-worshippers at the throne? How will the heads of this family rejoice, if their whole household should be found there, whom they have endea- voured to encourage in their way to heaven, bya religious care to maintainhousehold worship ? how will the joy of faithful minis- ters be advanced by every one of their hearers, whom they shall find in that blessed church above ? Ye are our crown, and our glory, andour rejoicingin that day; 1 Thess. ii. 19, 20. Now should not each of us maintain a holy jealousy within ourselves, and say," Which of us shall be missing ?" May not everyone of us so far suspect ourselves, as to say,' Lord is it I2' Shall I be wanting there, when all the rest of this little assembly shall be worshipping with thesaints in heaven ? Shall I be sepa- rated from them with whom I have so often appearedbefore God, and bowed the knee together on earth? O dreadful thought of overwhelming sorrow! Which of us all has so much stupidity, or such impious courage, as to bear the terrible apprehension ? To be divided for ever from the family of God, and shut out of his upper sanctuary ! O may these words make a proper impression on every heart, to keep our jealousy awake, and spur us onward in our christian course of duty and devotion ! May such thoughts as these excite us to give all diligence, to make our calling and election sure, and in every act of worshiphere in this world, to get some clearer evidence of an interest in the favour of God, some further meetness for glory ; that when the great assembly shall join together in that heavenly worship, we may/dssistwith our praises, and mingle our joy with theirs. Amen: HYMN FOR SERMONS XIII. and XIV. Appearance before God here and hereafter. WHILE I am banish'd from thy house, I mourn in secret, Lord : "When shall I come, and pay my vows, as And hear thy holy word ?" So while I dwell in bonds of clay, Methinks my soul shall groan, "When shall I wing my heavenly way, "And stand before thy throne ?" I love to see my Lord below, His church displays his grace; But upper worlds bis glory know, And view him face to tace. I love to worship at his feet, Though sin attack me there; But saints exaltednear his seat, Have no assaults to fear. I'm pleas'd to meet him in his court, And taste his heavenly love; But still I thinkhis visits short, Or I too soon remove. He shines, and I am all delight, He hides, and all ispaie : When will he fix me in hissight, And seerdepart again?