w 214 RATIONAL DEFENCE OF THE GOSPEL. 1. I am not ashamed to believe this gospel as a man. My rational powers give me no secret reproaches. My understand- ing and judgment do not reprove andcheck my faith. I feel no inward blush upon the face of my soul, while Ï give the fullest assent toall these truths, to this scheme of doctrine, to this hea- venly contrivance and system of grace. A rational man, espe- cially-whohas been bred up in learning, should be ashamed to believe fables and follies, but I believe all this gospel and amnot ashamed. My own reason approves it, and justifies me in the persuasion and belief of such a gospel as this is. I believe it with so firm and unshaken a faith, that I venture all my own eternal concerns upon it. I lay all the stress of myhopes of a blessed immortality on it. My soul rests here, and I ' am not ashamed of my resting-place : I am not ashamed of my Saviour, and the method of his salvation. I ampersuaded my hopes shall never disappoint me. Surely, if the gospel hadbeen so very irrational a thing, as some men pretend it to be, St. Paul, being so rational and wise a man, would have been ashamed to believe it. But I believe it, says he, and am not ashamed. I do not think it casts any just reflection upon my rational capacities, or my learned education at the feet of Gamaliel, for me to give a full assent to this gospel. 2. I am not ashamed to profess it as a christian. I am readyto tell the world that I believe it, and I take all occasions to let the world know it. I am coming to profess this gospel at Rome, and am not ashamed : I have owned it before my own countrymen the Jews already, where it has been most reproach- ed. I have been telling the Gentiles what the gospel of salva- tion is, and I long to see you at Rome, that I maytell you what my belief is in the gospel, and may hear how far youhave be- lieved, and may be comforted by themutualfaith both of you and me; Rom. i. 12. I shall be glad to tell you what doctrines I venture my own soul upon, and shall be willing to hear from you whether you venture you souls upon the same doc- trine, or no ; and shall rejoice to find we are both interested in one salvation. 3. I am not ashamed to preach it to others as a minister, that is, to invite others to believe it. It is acommunicable good, and I am sent to diffuse it, nor amI ashamed of mycommission. See 2 Tim. i. 12, 13. Our Lord Jesus Christ has abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light by the gospel, and has appointed me a preacher, andan apostle tothe gentiles : I preach the gospel, and am not ashamed, though I have suffered for it. I venture mysoul upon it unto the last great day, and I bid thee, Timothy, as a preacherunto others, to hold fast the samefora: of sound words which thou hast learned of me. I long to teach ..Y.lYul