240 RATIONAji DEFENCE OF THE GOSPEL. I. It isthe most powerful means of salvation, considered in itself, and in its own nature and influence. II. It is the most powerful means, as it is accompanied with the influences of the Holy Spirit. The first of these maybe called a moral persuasive influence ; the last is supernatural and sovereign. Let us meditate on each of these distinctly. I. It is themost powerful means, if we consider the gospel in itself, and its own nature, Not that the mere word of the gospel, reaching the ears of men, is sufficient to change the heart, and to save the soul without divine influences : For it is said to be the power of God tosalvation ; that is, it is that doctrine whereby God exerts his divine power to save sinful man. But still it must be granted, that the doctrine itself in its own naturehas a very great and evident tendencyto thisglorious end, as itisthenoblest, the richest, and the brightest discovery of grace that ever was made to man. If we consider it in its own nature, it has the greatest moral power, or persuasive influence toward the salvation of perishing sinners. This is easily proved by explaining what this salvation means. Salvation includes in it a freedom from the guilt and punishment of sin, together with a right and title to heaven ; it implies also a freedom from the power of sin, and thereby a preparation for heaven, and a final possession of it. Under each of these considerations it will appear with great evidence, that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is thepower of-God to salvation. 1. It is the most powerful means to set sinners free from the guilt.andpunishment of sin, and to relieve a distressed conscience under the sense of divine anger : It gives themost effectual secu- rity to a, believer against the terrors of hell and eternal death ; for it not only declares, that there is forgiveness with God, but it shews us the foundation upon which this forgiveness stands, namely, the satisfaction made to the offended justice of God by the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his Son. Suppose it were possible for a philosopher, or wise man, to prove that, God would forgive the sins of the penitent, yet there is nothing but the gospel that can set the conscience at such joyful ease from the ter- ror of guilt, and release the soul from the chains wherewith it was held : G0 For now, saysthe believer, Inot only hear it proved by divine testimony, that there is pardon of sin to be obtained from God, but I see how God may do it with honour : I behold she atonement that is made by Christ Jesus, his own Son : The atonement is equal to the offence : He can justify me, though I am asinner, upon the account of this perfect righteousness, and