Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

_aiiJitl 248 RATIONAr DEFENCE OF THE GOSPEL. gether wanting in later ages. There have been some most re- markable. instances of great sinners converted at once by the gos- pel of Christ, and thedemonstrations of the Spirit. But in his moreusual andordinary communications of grace, he works so gently upon our natures, and in so sweet and con- natural away, as not to distinguish his agency in a sensible man- nerfrom the motions of oür own souls ; for he never disturbs our rational powers, nor puts any violence upon the natural faculties; yet when we are changed,when we are renewed, whensin is mor- tified, the scripture tells us, that it is the Spirit of God hai done it : When our souls are prepared for heaven, and our corrupted natures sanctified, and suited to the things that are prepared in heaven for ùs, we are assuredby the word of God, that the Holy Spirit has been the great operator, and has wrought this change in us. ThusI have made it appear at large, how the gospel of Christ is thepower of God to salvation. I apply myself .. imme- diately to raise a few inferences from the subject I have been treating of. Inference. I. How unreasonable are all the reproaches that are cast upon this gospel! A gospel that saves mankind from misery, and from sin, and .eternal death! A gospel that teaches men how to appear before a holy and terrible God with comfort, though their sins are many, and theirrighteousnesses are imperfect! A gospel that gives the hope of pardon to criminals and rebels, and the hope of heaven to undeserving creatures ! And all this upon such solid grounds and foundations as justifies its highest promises and proposals to the reason of men ! It is a gospel thatchanges our sinful natures into holiness, and reforms our hearts as well as lives ! A gospel that, aided bydivine power, creates souls anew, and raises dead sinners to life ! It is a gospel that turns wolves into lambs, and makes ravenous vultures as meek as doves ! A gospel that sodisturbsthe kingdom of Satan, as to take thousands of slaves and captives out of his dominions, to transfer them into the glorious kingdom of Christ, and make them chearful and willing subjects ! A gospel that fulfils glori- ously the first promise, and makes it appear, that the seed of the woman bath broke the serpent's head, and destroyed the works of thedevil. You have never seen, you have never known, you have never learned this gospel aright, if you have not felt it to be the power of God unto salvation. Those that can speak evil of this gospel, it may be universally said concerning them, they speak evilof the things they know Trot; for if they had known this gospel as they ought to know it, they would have seen it all over glorious and divine ; they would have felt it tobe attended with divinepower to their salvation, and then they would never speak evil of it.