Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

24S RATIONAL FEFENOE OF THE GOSPEL. hearts withpower, if you have not felt it to be thepower of God unto salvation. Henceit comes topass, tliat in times of great temptation and persecution there aremany fall away, as the leaves of a tree in the blasts of autumn, whet.) but here and there-one stands and endures the shock : It is because there are so few of the profes- sors of the gospel have felt it to be the power of God to the con- version oftheir souls, and turningtheir hearts toGod and heaven. And hence it comes to pass also, that several unlearned christians- in all ages, that could not argue much for the faith in a rational way, yetcould dare to die for it, because they had this argument wrought in their own souls ; they had felt a divine power going along with it to change their natures; to make them new creatures, to give them the hope of heaven, and a prepara- tion for it. III. From what you have heard of this subject, learn the wide extent of this argument for the defence of the gospel of Christ, andthe invaluable worth of it to every christian, viz. that the gospel is the power of God to your salvation. It is an argument of wide extent : for it belongs to every Christian, to the wise and to the unwise, to_ the weak and the strong; there is no sincere christian, no true believer in Christ, but hath gotthe foundation of this argument wroughtwithin him : He knows this gospel is divine, andhe should not be ashamed tó believe and profess it ; for he bath felt it support his soul under á sense of guilt, and give him solid hope of pardoning grace. He bath found it change his sinful nature, soften his heart into repen- tance, and turn him from a sinner into a saint ; it bath laid the foundation of eternal life within him. And as it is an argument that belongs to every true Christian ; so itanswers every objec- tionthat an infidel can bring against the gospel, either from the doctrines, or from theprofessors of it : And methinks, I would fain have you all furnished with this glorious argument, and learn to manage it for the defence.of your faith. Do they tell you, that the doctrines of thegospel contain mys teries in them, and things that are unsearchable ? Do they endea- vour to put you out of countenance 'by ridiculing the truth of christianity, as being contrary to the common opinionsand reason-' ings of men ? Do they reproach them as foolishand unreason- able, anddo they endeavour topersuade you that they are' not 'suf ficiently attested, and there is not ground enough to give credit to them ? Though there havebeen particular answers given to each of these cavils in the first discourse ; yet you may give this general and short reply to all of them, and say, " Iam sure they are not contrary to reason : for they are divine. They are not incredible, nor do theywant sufficient evidence; for Godhint,