Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

;,BART III. SERMON XVII. 249 self by his own Spirit has borne witness to them in my heart : He has wrought an almighty work there by the means of this gos- pel Hehas createdme anew unto faith, and hope, and holiness He has turnedmy heart from earth to heaven, and subdued the sinful inclinations of my natureby the precepts, by the promises, by the glorious discoveries of this gospel : He has made use of it to save my soul; and I carry about me an incontrolable proof that it came from heaven," Now though this sort of argument may have but little force in it sometimes for the conviction of the infidel; yet it is of suhticient force to establish the be- liever. But I proceed. Do they fill your ears with the mean and contemptibleeharacter of the professors of this gospel ? Do they chargé many of them with vicious practices ! Do they tell you of their different opinions, their contests and their quarrels ? And do they discourageyou by pointing to the apostates that have for- saken the faith ? You may defend yourself and your profession against all these objections by the same general argument thus ; a Are the professors of it some of the mean and base things of this world ? But they are saints, and this gospel has made them so ; they are the sons and daughters of the most high God by faith in this gospel; and I will not be ashamed to reckon myself of their society, and to number myself amongst them. Are there many that are called christians, whose lives are vicious ? Surely theynever knew this gospel in truth ; they are but false profes- sors of it. There are thousands that can bear this witness to the gospel, that it has changed their hearts ; it has renewed their natures : it has made them hate every vice, and their lives shine amongst men glorious in holiness, and resembling God himself. Are the sentiments of some of them different from others ? It is chiefly in points of lesser importance ; but the substantial truths ofit, whichare the power of God to salvation, are professedand acknowledged by us all. And though a thousand should forsake this gospel, and become apostates, yet I can never part with it, while I feel the blessed effects of it abiding upon my heart, and I trust, through the grace of God, they shall abide for ever." This leadsme tothe last inference. IV. What strong engagements is every true christian under to maintain the profession of this gospel? Not only is he laid under many obligations from the commands of God, and the bonds of duty, and gratitude, and Jove, but he has a constant pressing obligationwithin him. " How canI be ashamed of my hope, my portion, my everlasting all ? Shall I be ashamed of that gospel, upon which my salvation is founded, and my best and highest interest, even my expectations of endless felicity ? If I let go this faith, if I lose my hold ofthis gospel, I let go my llolá