SERMON XVIII. '253 dency to promote the peace cif a distressed conscience, the sanc- tification of a sinful nature, the solidhope of heaven, and apre. paration for it. But still it must be acknowledged, that its ori- ginal and chief influence arises from divine appointment. The gospel is the power of God to salvation, and it is by divine promise and power-that faith saves the soul. Such a faith, or trust in Christ, has all the proiises of gospel-blessings be- longing to it. God has appointed in his word, and it is the standing rule of the gospel, Ile that believeth shall be saved; Mark xvi. 15, 1$. All 'the parts of salvation come by faith : Justification, and favour in the sight of God; Rom. v. 1. Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Adoption comes also by faith ; Gal. iii. 26. Ye are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Sanctification is ascribed to' the same principle : 'Acts xv. 19. The gentiles had their hearts purified from sin byfaith. Joy and hopecome in this way also' ; Rom. xv. 13. The God of hopefill you with and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power-of the Holy Ghost. And you may read several of these benefits of the gospel, these divine ingredients of our salvation put together, andall attributed to faith ; Acts xxvi. 18. I send thee now to the Gentiles, saith the Lord Jesus to St. Paul, to open their eyes, to turn themfrom darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness ofsins, and inheritance among themwho are sanctPfied, byfititle that is in me. Faith, or affiance in Jesus Christ, is an acceptance of this salvation, it is a trust in the offered grace, it is a dependance on the promises of the gospel confirmed byChrist, it is the surren- der of a sinful soul to Jesus the Saviour to perform his whole work of grace for him and to him ; and thereby the believing sinner, according to the appointment of. God inhis gospel, par- takes of all the benefits that are treasured up in Christ. Faith in the gospel relieves the distressed soul under a sense of the guilt of sin, and the humble weary sinner finds mercy to forgive, and strength to subdue it. Faith appropriates andapplies the blood of Christ, that sovereign medicine, to the wounds of a guilty conscience, and theconscience finds ease and refreshment. It applies the grace of Christ, that powerful antidote, to expel the venom of in-dwelling sin, and the soul is healed in some mea- sure, andthe .poison is expelled. It lays hold on the power of Christ to assist in the performance of every duty, and it obtains divine assistance. Every true believer has experienced some- thingof these benefitsby a sincere surrender of himself- to Christ in such a wayof trust and holy dependence. Can the thirsty soll taste of the running water, and vob