SERMON XVIII. 250 and hasno desire to be made holy, he has no desire after such à salvation as Christ proposes in his gospel, nor is he like to attain it. Wemust be sensible then of the corruption of our natures, the perverseness of our wills, thevanityof our minds, the earth- liness of our affections, our inability to do that which is good for time to come, as well as our guilt, condemnation and misery, because of our transgressions past: We must desire that a tho- rough work of repentance may be wrought in our hearts, that the power and reign of sin may be broken there, and that we may become new creatures as well as desire to escape the wrath of God, and hell, and eternal death, if ever we would be par- takers of that salvation which the gospel proposes. Christ will not divide one part of his salvation from the other : And in vain do we presume to trust in him for happiness, if weare not willing to be madeholy too. How false and unreasonable are all the reproachesthat are east upon the doctrine of salvation by faith, as though it tended to promote looseness of life, and to indulge iniquity; when that verysalvation includes init a freedom from the power of sin, and a delight in all that is holy ? This is the very characterof Christ our Saviour, and the reason of his name Jesus, that he should save his people from their sins; Mat. i. 21. If we are delivered byChrist, it isfrom this present wicked world ; Gal. i. 4. If we are redeemed, it is from all iniquity, that we might be a peculiar people purified to himself; zealous of good works ; Tit. ii. 14. IV. Though the gospel is 'such a glorious doctrine of grace, that there is no reason to be ashamed of it, yet since it saves us by faith, and not by works, there is no reason for us to boast when we are saved. Wemay glory indeed in the cross of Christ and make our boast in the' Redeemer all the day long; but the gospel for ever cuts off all groundof boasting in ourselves. Here the justice and mercy of God shine forth gloriously; here the righteousness of God is declared, sinners find remission or par- don, God is just, and a justifier of him who believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay, but by the law of Faith ; Rom, iii, 25, 20, 27, By grace ye are saved through faith, and that nat of your- selves, it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast ; Eph. ii. 8, 9. Thegospel concurs with the law in thisrespect, that it shews us our own guilt and vileness, our ruin and our impotence to res. tore ourselves, and therefore it has put all our help. upon another. Godhas laid our help upon one that ismighty to save; Ps. lxxxix. 19. and he has ordained that the way whereby' we should derive this salvation,is byrenouncing all deiiendaace ul ou self, and trust- s 3