Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

270 NONE EXCLUDED FROM HOPE. stitution, so neither are any forbid the blessing of salvation because oftheir former ill characters in the moral life. Not the greatest of sinners are shut out fom this blessing, if they repent andbelievethe gospel. Not the Jews who crucified the Lord of glory : Not the Gentiles or Greeks, who were slaves to'super- stition and idolatry, and drenched in most infamous and abomin- ablepractices ; the Greeks, who gave themselves up to work uncleanness with greediness without God, and without hope in the world. One gospel has saved them all. No former foI- lies or faults, no, not the greatest of sins against man, or against God himself, ought to shut up a humble soul under despair ; for this is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus -Christ came to save the chief of sinners ; 1 Tim. i. 15. And that is a word of most extensive grace which our Saviour speaks ; Mat. xii. 31. Allmanner of sin and blasphemyshall be forgiven unto men. Youwho have enjoyed a happy education, and had pious parents to boast of, as the Jews boasted of Abraham ; you who have many shining works of sobrietyand righteousness, you are called to come and trust in this gospel: But you must renounce all your pretended merit, and accept of pardoning grace, or you can never be saved. And you that have nothing that looks like a good work to glory in, sinners as bad as the worst of Gen- tiles, come, and believe this gospel, and surrender yourselves to Jesus the Prince and the Saviour ; his blood is all- sufficient for the pardon of your sins, his righteousness is all- sufficient for your justification ; and his Spirit can purify your sinful natures. Where sin has abounded, grace has much more abounded; Rom. v. 20. It is to the everlasting honour of the gospel of Christ, that it has appeared to be thepower ofGod to the salvation of multitudes of such as you : Such were some ofyou, saith the apostle to the Corinthians; but ye are washed, butye aresanctified, but ye arejustified in the name ofthe LordJesus, and by the Spirit of our God; 1. Cor. vi. 11. And surely if great degrees ofsin cannot exclude the peni- tent soul from the benefit of the gospel ; then, 7. Neither shall any person be excluded because of the weak degrees of his faith ; Him that is weak in the f aith, 'receive ye ; for Christ has received him; Rom. xiv. 1 -3. Read that kind condescending promise, and believe it ; Mat. xii. 20. He will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoaking flax, nor suppress, nor despisethe least, the lowest desires ofgrace : He will encourage the youngest and the feeblest acts of sincere repentance and true faith, though struggling undermuch sin and darkness, till it break out into evident and active flame. The little tender seed of grace under his heavenly influences shall bud, and blossom, ,and spring up into full glory.