Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

SERMONXIX. 271 How large and glorions is , the salvation that attends faith in this gospel ! How extensive is the grace of God our Saviour ! How unsearchable are the riches of his mercy l O the heights and the depths, the lengths and the breadths of Me Lose of Christ, that pass-all knowledge.! None of the sons or daughters of Adam the sinner, are excluded from this salvation, where the gospel is preached, but those who exclude themselves by stubbornness and unbelief. Persons of every kind, every character, condition and quality, amongst men, have found this gospel become the power of God to their salvation, when they havefled to this refuge, and believed in this Saviour. What improvement now shall I make of the last part of this discourse, this wide extent of salvation bestowed on all who believe ? Has every single believer this salvation in some measure conferred on him, and wrought in him ? - Then here is a plain and evident test, whereby to try our faith, or a certain sign whereby we may judge, whether we are true believers, or no. The gospel is the manifestation of the power of God for the salvation of every one that believes. What haveyou found of this salvation begun in you ? What have you felt of your own guilt and wretchedness by reason-of sin, and of your dan- ger of eternal death ? Have you seen the deathof Christ as an effectual atonement to procure the forgiveness of an offended God ? Have you beheld the power and grace ofChrist sufficient to renew your sinful natures, and to form them after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness ? Have you found your conscience resting upon the sacrifice of Christ, and your souls humbly expecting pardon and peace there ? Are your hearts turned away from every sin ? Is the temper of your mind made divine and heavenly, and suited to the business and blessedness of the upper world ? This is the salvation of Christ which the gospel proposes, and bestows upon all ¡hat believe. Upon such solemn enquiries as these, I am persuaded there is many a soul must take up this heavy complaint, " Alas ! I fear I am no believer : I have sat long under the sound of the gospel, and I have heard the doctrine of Christ crucified many years to no purpose ; for I have never found this gospel attended with any such powerful impressions as to begin salvation in me. I have been too thoughtless about the guilt of my sins, and about the forgiveness of them in the court of heaven. Nor haveI found any sinful nature changed, nor my affections sanctified. I have very little of these spiritual desires anddelights whichhave been VoL. r. T