272 NONE EXCLUDED PROM HOPE. beforedescribed as part ofmy salvation, I feel the inward work- ings of my soul vain and carnal still ; I amnot prepared for the heavenly world, and surely then I have never truly believed in Christ, norreceived his gospel." 'ro such complaints as these, I would propose these three several answers : Answer I. It may be so indeed. All this complaint may be just and true ; and perhaps thou art an unbeliever still, dead in trespasses and sins, and exposed every moment to the stroke of death, and to everlasting misery. This is the case of many a thousand beside thyself : Even the greatest part of those who are called christians, are yet afar off from Godand fromsalvation, and have no just ground to suppose that they are believers in Christ. But it is of infinite concern for thee, O sinner, to busy thyself about this enquiry. There is not any one act in thy life, inwhich thou cant be engaged, that is of greater and more awful importance than this ; for thy heaven or thy hell depends upon it. Some sit all their days under the gospel, and hear nothing but the outward sound, always unmoved, unawakened, and un- affected ; slumbering and nodding upon the borders of eternal fire ; while others hear the voice of the Son of God, arisefrom the dead and receive a new, a divine life. Some in the same family, perhapsof thy own kindred, thy flesh and blood, or some that are upon the same seat in the public assembly, are convinced and converted, believe in Christ, and are saved ; while thou re- mainest ahard and impenitent sinnerunder the voice ofthe same grace, and the preaching of the same salvation. And if thisbe thy case, it is adreadful one indeed. Consi- der, howwill thy condemnation be aggravated, that thou hast heard the pospel published with so much glorious evidence in; such a land, and such an age of light as this is, and yet thou abidest in the state of impenitence, and unbelief, and death. Thou hast had the blessings of heaven offered at thy door, and hast hitherto refused to receive them. Thou hast sat, as it were, on the banks of the river of life, and never desired to taste the living water. Thou hast dwelt near the shadow of the tree of lift, but art an utter stranger to the fruit. O with what a stupid and a careless car hast thou heard the things of thy everlasting peace ! Think of it therefore, and be horribly afraid : If the gospel be not powerful for the salvation ofthy soul, it will become through thy own impenitence, a power- ful means to increase thy damnation, to make thy hell hotter, and thy eternal sorrows more intolerable, Wo to thee, Capernaurn! Wo to thee Bethsaida ! Wo unto you, O sinners of Great Britain, ye have bean exaltei to heaven iu divine favours, and ye shall he