274 NONE EXCLDDED FROM HOPE. Ifthy heart can eoho to this sortof language, and thegrace of God has prevailed thus far in thee, then thy salvation is begun; the gospel has shewn its divine power upon thee, and thou art indeed to benumbered among the believers. III. But I would conclude my discourse with a word that may have equal respect to saints or sinners. Ifyou are concern- ed sincerely about your eternal welfare, but can see no comfortable evidences in yourselves of the work of faith, or the beginnings of salvation, if all within you appear to be guilt and sin, and there is much of hell and darkness in the soul, yet do not cast away all hope : Arise and come to Jesus the Saviour, behold- lie calieth you. This is the season of the graceof the gospel, This is the ac- cepted time, this is the day of salvation. .lake haste now to the city of refuge, fly now to the hope that is setbefore you. Thepromises are held open to thee, O soul ! whosoever thouArt, even thepromises of light and life, of grace and eternal glory. Christ Jesus invites thee by the messengers of his gos- pel : If there be some darkness upon thy Spirit, do not spend all thy time in laborious and fruitless enquiries whether thou bast heretoforebelieved inChrist, or no.; but come now with an hum- ble sense of thy guilty and sinful circumstances, and surrender thyself to his charge and careby a new act of faith, or trust, or dependance. Plead with him to accept a vile criminal over- loaded with guilt and misery, and to make thee acceptedwith Godby a righteousnesswhich was not thy own. Beseech him to look withpityon thyunholy soul, to sanctifyand renew it, to take thy hard heart into his hand, and soften it intorepentance. Plead with him, and say, Lord, art not thou exalted to give repentance aswell as remission ? Entreat of him to subdue thy sins, to new- mould and create all the powers of thy nature 'in the beautiesof holiness, and to prepare thee for the 'heavenly. suite. Go and complain humbly at his mercy-seat, how long thou hast sat under theministry of hisown gospel, and felt no,divine power attending it. . Intrust thyself now to his care, and place thyself by faith underhis divine influences. He that comes in this manner, shall inno wise be cast out, forthe Lordhas promised to receive him ;. John vi. 37. Wait on him with daily importunity, follow all the meansof gracewhichhe bath appointed, and thegospel of Christ shall appear in due time to be the power of God, even thy God, to thy salvation. Amen.