Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

$ RmoN X , 293 should do, but aimingat heaven, he marches on homewards, with theregular discharge of all his duties to his God on high : nor does he forget his obligations to his fellow-creatures on earth, though in twenty instances they may forget or refuse to fulfil their duty tohim. His supremeynaligationà are to Godhis Maker, and tothese he must be true and faithful. How various were the trials that St. Paul met with from the Jews, and from the Greeks, from the Jewish christian, and the heathen converts? But how bright and blessed an uniformity ran like a golden thread through hiswhole life and ministry Hearthe holy man oftenin hiswritings declaring his own stedfast adherence to the gospel: Hear him appealing to his Ephesian disciples concerning his ownconduct, and proving it to their con- sciences, that he had in some good measure acquitted himself according to this rule of christianity; Acts xx. 18. When the elders of Ephesus werecome to him, Ye know, says he, thatfrom thefirst dai1 that I canse into ,dsia, after ,what manner I have been with you at all seasons, andthat was by the space of three years, as in ver. 31. serving the Lord withall humility of mind, with many tears and temptations that betel me:And I was constantly testifying to the Jews and Greeks, faith and repentance, and shunned not to declare the wholecounsel of Godto you, covetingno man's gold or apparel, &c. I have chewed you now, that for these three years together t have maintained the same holy con- duct, that so you might followmy example, that ye might always act agreeable to yourselves, andbeconstanttoyour own virtuous andholy character. But what an inconstant christian is he who changes hie principles and practices, beingblown about with the wind Of pre- vailing party, and the humour of the times? Who seems active in the cause of religion; when religion is the fashion of the age ; but he grows ashamed of every part of godliness, when the times turn upon him! His religion dies, Whenpiety is discouraged in the world, and a saint becomes a naine of reproach ! To-day for the Godof Israel, and to-morrow among the worshippers of Baal! Now a zealot for pure doctrine andworship, anon so lukewarm and indifferent aboutevery thing of religion, as though it had no pbece. near hisheart ! Multiplying duties of godliness one week, and grossly negligent of all duty the next ! To-day preaching and practising the rules of Christianity, and to-morrow talking and living like a man of heathenism? True and constant to nothing, but to his own fickle temper andinconstancy ! Is it not a glorious character whenwe can say of a good man, that " all that havek.nowu him give him agood word ; that those who have lived many years, with him, and seenhim in his unguarded hours, and in the undress of life, pronounce him the