Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

94 CnRIBTIAN MORALITY. fulness of his promises, and of theconstancy of his compassionate design to mall, as in sending his own Son into the world, accord- ing to his ancient prophecies of a thousand years, and bestowing upon usJesus the Saviour.. Jesus Christ, by whose name we are called, he is the true andfaithful witness; Rev. iii. 1$. Truth, and grace, and peace, came by hint; John i. 17. He is called the truth ; John xiv. 6.. Be came down to bring life and immortality to lightbyy his gospel; he came totell us, and hewell knew, that in his leather's house were many mansions ; and ifit were not so, says he, I would have toldyou; But it is not my business to be a deceiver to men: Thereforeall the life, Iight, and immortalitythat Ihave discover- ed to you in my preaching, it is all sincere, it is all real. When you enter into the other world, trusting my promises, you will findall my words fulfilled. I would not have raised your expec- tations, if it hadbeen otherwise. Again, the Holy Spirit is a Spirit of truth; it is he that guides us into, all truth ; John xvi. 13. And the name of this ather, and this Son, and this Holy Spirit, is called upon us in our first admission to Christianity. So that we wear the name of the God oftruth uponus, and shall we indulge temptations to falsehood ? Shall we practise deceit, who profess a gospel of such truth, and upon whom the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the name of the God of truth is pronounced in baptism ? God is sincere in his revelations of grace, and discoveries of his pardoning mercy ; for he sent his own on to die for us, and this is a proof of his sincerity in his designs of love. Let us then be sincere in love to our God, to our fellow-creatures, and follow-çhristians. Jesus Christ is sincere in the profession of his love, and he hath given us an infallible pledge of it, for he bath given his life for us. Greater love bath no man than this, that a man lay dorm his life for his friends; John xv. 13. But he hath laid down his life for enemies, and therefore he halls magnified his Jaye, and divinely demonstrated it to be sincere and true, beyond all possibility of jealousies and exceptions. God is faithful to all the promises of his g-ospel ; all has ways are mercyand truth to his people: He is a God keeping covenant through all generations. This is the illustrious title that he assumes to himself, and .glories in And this is the name by which the ancient saints have delighted to make their addresses to him. These heavens shall be dissolyvd and perish in the name, and this earthbecome a smoking cinder; " heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of the Lord and his truth abide for ever; not one jot or tittle of them shall perish, but all shall he Whiled."