Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

306 CHRISTIAN SSORALITY. it is my opinion, are 'very proper where the case has any 'thing; doubtful in it : So when we engage ourselves to do any thing for . time to come, I intend, I design,'I hope, I will endeavour, are more cautious methods of speech, and very proper upon most occasions of life, except where the circumstances require a more express promise, whereby we bind all our faithfulnes to the per- formance. II. I would add another rule in the case of vows and pro- mises, which cannot but have some force toward the preservation of truth. Think solemnly with yourself, how miserable and abandoned a creature you must be, if neither God nor man should fulfil any of their promises or engagements to you, and thereby you should awaken your soul and all your powers to perform your obligations to them. What if your governors shouldbreal, their engagements to defend and protect you ? What if your parents and your friends should refuse to help and assist, to feed; or clothe, or comfort: you ? What if your debtors should refuse to pay what they owe you? and your servants deny you their obedience and help in a most necessary hour ? What if your neighboursshould disappoint you in all the agreements andpro- mises they make? What if the great and blessed God should seizeall your forfeited mercies, because of your unfaithfulness to, him, and perform none of the promises of his word which regard this life, or the life to come? What a load of calamities would at once come upon you, andoverwhelm you in soul and body ! You would fall under universal distress and wretchedness in this world, and have no hope for eternity ; and yet if you are care- less to fulfil your covenants, or wilfully break your engagements, why should yoú expect that God should fulfil any on his side? Or why should his kind providence incline any creature to fulfil any on their side? as O blessed and holy God, how false have webeen to thee ! How fickle! How unfaithful! How often have we broken the solemn engagements under which we have laid ourselves to thy majesty ! Our comforts are all forfeited into thy hands, and yet we have food and clothing given us ; the mercies of the night and the day are continued to us ; thy compassions are renewed everymorning, and in the evening thy faithfulness is glorified. We are ready to charge our fellow-creatures with unfaithfulness, and reproach their breach of promise, whenwe ourselves perhaps havebeen the unfaithful dealers, and have broken all those en- gagements andbonds of kindness or duty which are the founda tion of their promises. We seldom or never think of our own unfaithfulness to them or to thee, butdelight ourselves in accusa- tions, while thou delightest in forgiveness. O how often hast thoupardoned our broken vows,-and.hastbeenslow.to anger !