Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

CHRISTIAN MORALITY. IiYMN FOR SERMON XXIV, Christian 14torality, viz. Justice and Equity, COME let us search ourways, and try, Have they been just and right ? Is the great rule of equity Our practise and de'ight? What we would have our neighbour do, Have we still done the same? Andne'er deiay'd to pay hisdue, Nor injur'd his good name ? Do we relieve the poor distress'd, Nor give our tongues a loose Tomake their names ourscorn and jest, !Tor treat themwith abide ? 048 Have we not found our envy grow, To bear another's praise ? Nor robb'd him of his honour due, By sly malicious ways ? In all we sell and all webuy, Is justice our design ? Do weremember God is nigh, And fear the wrath divine? In vainwe talkof Jesu's blood, And boast his name in vain, If wecan slight the laws of God, And prove uctjust to men,