Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

SERMON XXV. Christian Morality, viz..Justice, &c. PHILIP. iv. 8.Whatsoever things are just, &c. think on these things. IF a bare proposal of the rule of duty, and the mention of the various instances of it, were sufficient to persuade mankind to the practice ; then I need not prolongmy discourse on this subject of honesty and justice : For I have already proposed the sacred rule which our Saviour has given us, Do to others as ye would that others should do to you ; and I have des- cribed the several instances wherein this rule must direct our conduct, that we may be just and righteous in all our dealings amongst men. But alas! our natures are so corrupt, otir consciences are so unwilling to receive the laws of duty, and our perverse wills and passions have so much reluctance to the practice, that we have need of arguments to enforce it upon conscience, we have .need of powerful motives to awaken our souls to righteousness, and it is necessary therefore that I proceed to the third headof discourse which I proposed, and that is to shew how far the light of nature dictates to us the duty of common justice, and what arguments maybe drawnfrom thence to influence men to be honest. I. If we consider the natural right that every man bath to keep that which belongs to him, it will appear that this is the gift of God as the God of nature. God, the common author of all our beings, requires dial this right be held sacred and in- violable. 1 shall not run :back to ancient ages, to trace the original grounds of property, or howmen became entitled to any of their possessions It is sufficient for me, that every man is horn into this world with a right to his life, to his limbs, to his liberty and safety, and to the good things of this world which he posses- ,. ses according to the laws of nature, and of the nation where he is born. He has a right also that these should be secure from the hands of injustice and violence, unless he himself he some way concerned in thepractice of injury to his fellow-creatures.