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SERMON XXVIII. Christian Morality, viz. a Lovely Carriage, &c. PHILIP. iv. 8.Whatsoever things áre lovely- -think on these things. Ooa ngor isa,, &C. MAN was a lovely creature in his first formation and inno- cence, however hehas been debased and dishonoured by the fall. Now there is nothing in all the religion ofChrist but what tends to restore man to the excellencies of his original state, or toexalt him above them, and to render him all over amiable. To this end truth and sincerity are recommended to him in the gospel, with a venerable decency in all his conduct. To this end he is required to practise justice to his neighbour, and to keep himselfpure and chaste from all the vices of sensuality., Thus far we have proceeded in improving the text. And the man' who has attained thus far, has many lovely qualities belonging to him, such as lay a foundation for a good report, and deserve our praises. Yet there are many things in human conversation, which do not directly fall .under the commands of truth and gravity, justice and purity : These the apostle recommends to the Phi- lippians, under the following characters; viz. things that are lovely, that are of good report, deeds of virtue, and worthy of praise. The things that are lovely, are 'such as look well among men, and have a good appearance in the eyes of the world : Those things thatgain the love of our follow-creatures : Not merely such religious practices, as make us beloved by fellow -christians, but such a temper and conduct as commands the esteem and respect even' of the ungodly, and those that profess not strict religion. This oughtto be the carriage of the saintsof the Most High, they should practise those things that are gratef'ui'and pleasing to human nature, so far asinnocence allows : those things that may recommend our conversation to our neighbours, and procure the love of all men. Is it not a very desirable thing to have it said of any particular christian, all that know him love hint; he - bath no enemies but those that are unacquaintedwith