302 THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST. strength, that if I believe these books to be divine, I cannot but receive this doctrine as the truth of God; and I would learn,of St. Paul ; Gal. vi. 14. to glory in the cross of Christ; and ii. 20. to live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, andgave himselffor me. When I read the astonishing gifts of the blessed Spirit, communicated to the first preachers and professors of the gospel, when I survey these gifts in.all their extensive glory, and in all Their forceof argument, I look upon all of them ai a heap of united wonders, conspiring to support this doctrine of the pro- pitiation of Christ, which was every where taught by these inspiredfavourites of heaven. Every strange tongue which they spoke, teaches me this blessed truth. Every disease of body which they healed, assures me, that the stripeswhich Christ sus- tained, were for the healing of our souls. Every unclean spirit which they cast out, establishes my belief, that by the atoning death of Christ we are delivered from the power of the devil. Every surprising wonder which they wrought, gives me a firmer persuasion ofthis wondrous doctrine, that the Son of God died to giveus life. Blessed Saviour, let the same spirit, by whose influence they healed the sick, they cast out devils, and wrought all these wonders, write this holy religion, and this doctrine of thy atone- mentfor sins deep in my heart. O let me make it my daily food, the support and the life of my soul. Teach me to apply it to all the holy purposes for which so glorious a doètrine was reveal- ed to the world. In the faith of this atonement, by the blood of Jesus, let me join in the songs of angels, and pronounce with joy Luke ii. 14. Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, andgood-will to men; Glory to GodmyFather, and my Saviour. Pardon, life, and salvation to dying sinners. Amen. HYMN FOR SERMON XXXV. Faith andRepentance encouraged by-the Sacrifice ofChrist. WHERE shallthe guilty conscience go To finda sure relief ? Canbleeding bulls or goats bestow A balm to ease my grief ? Will popish rites and penances, Release mÿ soul from sin ? What insufficient things are these To calm the wrath divine 1 God, the great God, who' rules the skies, The gracious and the just, Makes his own Son our sacrifice ; _- Andtherelies all our trust. O never let my thoughts renounce The gospel ofmy God, Where vilest crimes are cleans'd-at one In Christ's atoning blood. Here rest my faith, and O'er remove;; Here let repentance rise, While I behold his bleeding love, His dying agonies. With shame and sorrow here-I own How great my guilt has been This is my way t' approach the throne, And God forgives my sin.