Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

SERMON XNVI. 509 God whom thou hast offended; is a great God, and a terrible, aGod of holiness, like adevouring fire; a God of awful majesty and severe justice, who will by no means clear the guilty, with- out some recompence for his broken law. Dare not to approach him therefore, but under the protection of the blood of his Son : Christ is set forth as our propitiation through faith in his blood. If thou bring the atonementof Christ in the hand cfthy faith, thou shalt find sweet and easy access : And when thouart filled with inward sorrows, thou mayest pour them all out, . and spread thy complaints and thy burdens, before the eyes of thy God, 'with in- ward consolation andhope. " Lord, I have sinned, but thy Son has suffered : I come to the throne of grace in his name. My offences cry for ven- geance, but the blood of Jesus speaks better things, and cries louder for peace and pardon. Let the voice of that blood which has made full satisfaction- for the vilest sins, prevail over all my unworthiness. Let the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne be honoured this day, by introducing a guilty creature with all his complaints and sorrows into thy awful presence, and thy divine favour. Let me obtain grace in the hour of my distress and necessity : And, O that I may find such success, and such ease of soul, in drawing near to God by the blood of Christ, that on all occasions 1 may run to this refuge, andmaintain hum- ble and constant communion with God my Father, in this new and living way of access. May this earthly and foolish spirit of mine, never be such a stranger as it has been at the mercy,-seat, since the door of approach is always open, sinceI have so glo- rious an introducer." IV. We should use this atonement of Christ, as a divine guard against temptation and sin ; 1 Pet. i. 15, 18, 19. As he which hath called you is holy, so Ito ye holy in allmanner of con- versationfor ye are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish andwithout spot. Reflection. " And has this soul of mine, which was in sla- very to sin and the power of Satan, been redeemedby the death of the Son of God ? and shall I run back to may old slavery, and give myself up again to the reign and tyranny of sin ? Has this guilty and polluted soul been washed in so precious a laver as the blood of the Son of God ? And shall I defile myself again.? Shall I " return with the dog to his vomit, or with the swine that was was washed, to her wallowing in the mire ?" 2 Yet. ii. 22. It was sin that cost my Redeemer so dear, that cost him agonies and death : And shall I indulge such an enemy in my heart, and obey it in my practice ? as God forbid ! How shall I that am dead to sin, by my interest in a dying Saviour, live any longer therein ì" Rom. ri. 2. It is a scandal and reproach