Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

SERMON RXXV11. 525 sent life, whether they are painful or pleasant, they ateall the ap . pointments of your heavenlyFather for your real interest. Are you at peace in themidst of plenty, and does every thing around you smile upon you ? It is that your hearts may be raised to thankfulness, and your lipstuned to praise. Do you labour under pain or sickness? Itis to wean you from flesh and blood, to pat you inmind, that this tabernacle is falling, to awaken your hearts to insurea better habitation. on high. Do you 'want food or rai- ment? It is to make you remember that you are in the wilder- ness, and to call your meditations upward to your Father'shouse, where there is breadenough, and to spare. Are you scorned and reviledby the basest of men ? Are you persecuted or imprisoned and treated with rudeness or cruelty ? It is to try and prove your suffering graces, that your faith, courage; and patience may shine as gold that has passed through the furnace; are youcalled to seal the truth and testimony of Jesus with your blood? It is to prepare you for the crowns of glory that are laid up for martyrs. This thought leads me onward in thesurvey of this rich-in- ventory of a christian, and carries my thoughts into thè invisible regions, and into far distant futurities. 2. Not things present only in this visible world, but things invisiblein other worldsare also yours, and were appointed for your benefit. These are numbered by the apostle among the riches and possessions of the saints. Is there a heaven built on high, with many palaces of light in it ? Theywere built and fur- nished for your reception. It is, " the inheritance of the saints in light ;" Col. i. 12. Are there mansions of unknown glory, wellprepared by our Lord Jesus Christ, since his ascent to hea- ven ? He assuresus in his last words, that they are prepared for you; John xiv. 2, 3. In my Father's home are many mansions: if it were not so, Iwould have told you; I go to prepare a place for you. And if Igo and prepare ,a place or you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. Each of these mansions stands waiting for those saints, for whom theyare provided ; and they areall adorned with rich mag- nificent furniture, in the perfect beauty of holiness. The Angels, in their shining orders, are ordained to be your attendants : Those holy inhabitants of the upper blessed world, encamp roúnd about those that fear the Lord; Ps. xxxiv. 7. and are appointed as guards to hischildren, by their heavenlyFather. Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to them who shall beheirs ofsalvation; Heb i. 14. Theywait upon your dyingbeds, and convey your souls to the bosom of Abraham ; Luke xvi. 22. Happy souls, who have so illustrious a guard, so secure a convoy to the far distant and unknown regions of light and joy.