526 KITE CiIRISTIAN'S TREAsru1; The very hell that is provided topunish impenitent sinners, though we cannot say it was built for you, christians ; yet it has. been of glorious and terrible service, to awaken your souls out of a natural and guilty state. When the Spirit of God in the ministry of his word has opened themouth ofhell, and brought the flashes of that furnace into your face; it has awakened your consciences in tine past, and driven you to seek refuge in the arms of Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come. Thus hell itself is constrained to pay a tribute towards the salvation of the saints. And the devils themselves who dwell there, with all their fiery temptations, have been but as underworkers for our final good ; they are as slaves to Christ, the great Refiner, who de- signed to purifyyour souls by those very methodsof temptation, which those evil spirits-made use of on purpose to destroy you. Thus the ministers of divinewrath to sinners are become instru- ments of your benefit. When Satan has desired to winnow you as wheat, Christ has prayed for you, that your faith fail not : Luke xxii. 3I, 32. and he has taken care that by this winnowing you might be purified, that nothing might fly away but the empty chaff: that you might appear in the sight ofChrist as purer corn. Now if hell, and thewicked inhabitants of it, may be constrained to serve your interest, and to promote your happiness, surely there is nothingin all the creation, but mayturn to your advan- tage. O divine privilege, when the creatures that are under the deserved curseof God, are thus made to subserve your blessed- ness' 3. But notonly present invisibles, but even all futureunseen things are yours too. The morning of the resurrection is ap- pointed for your glory ; and the great trumpet is put into the hands of the arch-angel, to awaken your sleeping dust into im- mortality. Jesus theLord himself shall descend from, heaven to call you from the grave : And though ye were dead, ye shall hear thevoice of the Son of God, and live; John v. 35. The great 'day of judgment, and all the solemnities of it, are ordained for yens honour, to publish your victories over sin and Satan,before theface of thewhole creation, to pronounce you openly acquitted and justifiedbefore men and angels, to proclaim you the sons and daughters of the Most High God, and determine your state to eterlasting blessedness. Are there crowns of infinite value laid up in heaven? tire there rewards of glory there, immense rewards, and of endless duration ? It is to crown your labours, your conflicts, your chris- tiati race ; it isto reward your sufferings, your patience, and your conquest: And the day of glory is stretched out to all everlast- ing, that your happiness may knowno end. Thus things present,