530 TIIE eiiRIsTIAN ''s TrEASIfftr. gospel, by thealluring offer of any temporal enjoyments, tell ilia world,that lie anddeath, things present and things to come, are yours already : Let the world know that Christ has engaged and secured your heart for ever to himself, by outbidding all that the worldcan offer ; for he has written down and sealed your title to a larger and riéher inheritance, and annexed it to his own : Ye are Joint-heirswith Christ. And he has appointed it to stand re- corded in his holy book to the view of men and angels, that alt thingsare yours. The Recollection." And is it possible that so worthless a creature as I am, should be really 'entitled to all these blessings : Can it betrue, that so rich an interest in the good things of time and eternitybelongs to me ? To me, who am less than the least of all the merciesof God ? To me, who in the days of sin and ignorance, have abused all things, Omy God, to thy dishonour ? To me, whohave provoked thy justice to strip me of all the com- mon blessingsof nature and life, and to make me for ever poor andmiserable ? Is the mercy of God so vast and overflowing, as not onlyto forgive these provocations, and to admit me into his favour, but to bless me also with so rich an inheritance ? Fall down prostrate, Omy soul, at the foot of sovereign and all-suffi- cient grace. Remember thy guilt, thy poverty, and thy wretch- edness, and be ever humble before God thy infinite benefactor., Mourn over all thy unworthiness, and maintain a constant temper of penitent love, and self-abasinggratitude. I deserve to be cut off forever, O Lord, from thy house, from thy family, and from all the blessingsof thy children: But thou hast called me' to the knowledge of thy Son Jesus, thou . hast taught me to lay hold on the arm of thy salvation, thou hast mademe willing in the day of thypower to renounce every sin, to subject myself to thy sceptre of righteousness, and to accept the grace of thy gospel.. Thou hast opened the treasures of thy love, treasures-that contain in them the good things of earth and heaven, things visible and invisible, things present and things to come : And while these treasuresstood open to my view, in the voice of thygospel thon hast told me, Allzs yours. " O for anenlarged exercise of faith, to survey this inheri- tance ! to rejoice in thisextensive bounty Of the Most High ! ta' Dead the blessed language of this text, and to believe it with a bumble claim, and appropriation ! Surely here is enough for faith to live - upon, through all the remaining years of my pilgri- mage, and any hope, till faith shall be turned into perfect sight,: andhope into full and final enjoyment. I would not change my portion with the richest sinneron earth : My estate is larger, and my interests are moreextensive. His gold, and silver,his houses and lands can readh no farther than this world and time, but