Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

.536 THE CHRISTIAN'S TREASURE. The saints are led into an acquaintance With the word ái God by the same Spirit too : They receive the promises and directions of the gospel; through the influences of this Spirit. They derive light, holiness and comfort from every part of the book of God ; that is, from the law and the prophets, the histories and the epistles, and from all the ordinances of the sanctuary He teaches them to borrow some food and delight from Moses and. David, as well as from Peter and John. He leads them through the sweet fields of gospel grace, and directs them to gather many a flower there for their refreshment, and to feed on the fruit of the tree oflife for their support. Heshews them how to profit bÿ the ministry of a Paul, and to learn the deep mys- teries of Christ : He impresses on their souls the warm andpa thetic words of an Apellòs, and fires their hearts therebywith zeal and love : He teaches his younger disciples over again the first lessons of grace, which. a Cephas had just taught them. Thus Paul andApollos, and Cephas are theirs. He instructs themhow to converse with things invisible and future by faith, and to make use of the unseen and distant glories of eternity, for their present comfort and joy. " It is the God of hope, who by his Spirit fills them with all peace and joy in believing :" Rom. xv. 13. And I might add also, that the Holy Spirit is given them, and dwells in them as an earnest of their inheritance of all things, 2 Cor, v. 6. till the re- demption of this purchased possession, that is, till it shall be re- deemed, and freed from all the present incumbrances of sin and Satan ; Eph. i. 13,14. Then in a happy hour shall this purchased possession be disclosed in the fairest light, and proclaimed to be the property of the saints. To sum up all in a few words, a christian's, interest in all . things is well founded, and well confirmed. They are his by the '.original purpose of God the Father, when he created all things ; it was his design that his chosen people should receive benefit from them. They are his by the appointment of divine providence, that all things shall work together for his good. They are his; for .Christ the Son of God has purchased a dominion over all things, that he may manage them for the service of his redeemed ones., They are his, because the Spirit teaches him to derive some advantage from all things by faith and holymedita- tion., God has given himself to the saints as their portion for ever: He, has given his own Son for them as a ransom from death ; he has given his Spirit to them, as the principle of their life :. And in this view, we may rise in the language of faith, and, say in the words of the blessed apostle,." How shall he nothere - with freely give us all things;" Rom. viii. 32. Thus having made it appear in what senseall things are'