SERMON XXXVIII. 543 Saviour knows that sickness is better for thee at this season than health. Do not murmur at his hand, for God the Father has intrusted, him to manage and govern all his own vast domi- nions; and canst not thou entrust him to manage thy estate, , to dispose of thy concerns, and to allot thy daily portion to thee ? The saint surrounded with distress and`poverty, or naked; and hungry will say, " Isnot food and raiment, and peace- spe- cified in the articles of the covenant, and numbered among my treasures ? Yes, but poverty, and hunger, and cold, and naked- ness are there also : And thy heavenlyFather sees it best towith- hold peace and plenty from thee atpresent, or to give thee thy food and raiment but in a scanty measure, to mortify thy flesh, to humble thy pride, to wean thee from the creatures, to teach thee. immediate dependance ón himself, and to fit thee for a de- parture to the heavenlyworld. When thouart deprived therefore of one earthly comfort after another; and the remaining good things of this life seem to be leaving thee, have a care of murmuring against thy God. Dare notftake up tite words of Jacòbacid say, f° Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and will ye take Benjamin also ? Surely all these things are against me ;" Gen. xlii. 30. But Jacobwas made to know, by sweet experience, that all these things wrought for his real advantage, and were made the means of preserving himself and his family too in a day of spreading famine and desolation. Sixth Use.This doctrine forbids all contention and envy at our fellow-creatures, as well as repining againstGod. Is my brother healthy and strong, while I am sick and fee- ble and languishing ? Does my brother possess snore of the good things of this life than I do ? It is because our common Father sees it proper to keep me shorter, and to withhold so full ask allowance from me. I have an interest in the same large inhe- ritance : I am a child of the same family ; and therefore all things are mine as well as his : But I have committed it entirely to thewisdom and goodness of our heavenly Father, to put into my hands what part he pleases of my large inheritance. Ile is wisest, and will distribute the several portions that he s^es fittest for his childden, and for this reason I cannot envy my brother. It is the same kind and faithful band that weighs and measures out my grains and scruples, and little hand- fuls of earthly blessings, that gives my brother his loads and his full barns. Ilas the ministry of Paul been blesséd to me, and not that of Apollos ? IIave the labours of Apollos been more blessed to VoL. 1. N.n.