Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

544 1IIE CIIAISTIAN'S TAEASURL. my fellow-christian, or the plain and familiar instructions or Cephas ? Well, I will never make any parties inthe churchupors this account: for all the ministers of the gospel are appointedfor our edification; and I will rejoice in them all, and bless God for the service they do the family of Christ. If my portion of spiritual food be distributed to me by the hands of Paul, it is our common Father that conveys the same sacred food to another, by the hands of Cephas or Apollo&;. and the world shall never hear me say, " I am of Paul, in opposition to Apollos or Peter ; though I must confess, God has blessed his ministrations most eminently tomy soul." Seventh Use:HasGod given all things to the saints by the covenant of grace, surely then they should return all things back again to him, in a way of gratitude, dutyand service. Has hepromised tomake every thingwhich we have to do with, concur to promote our best interest, and our final happiness? Let us then apply ourselves with zeal and diligence, tomake every thing within our reach subserve hisdivine interests, and theglory of his kingdom. Has my gracious God withheld nothing from me, but toge- ther with his own Son given me all things, why then should I withhold any thing from him ? Why should I not devote my heart, my head, my hands, my whole self, and all things that are within my power, to the honour of his name? Does God bestow life or health or riches upon such a worthless creature as I am ? Let holiness to the Lord be written upon them alL. And if my fellow-creatures are poor, needy, cold, and starving, let me chearfully minister to them of my substanee, which the great Lord of heaven and earth has so richly betnwed on me. My God honours me indeed, when he makes me the dispenser of his blessings among his creatures, and especially among his saints.. I lose nothing by this benevolence, but am rather enriched by this very distribution. I become rich in good works, and rich in di- vine promises : " He that gives to the poor lendeth to the Lord, and he will repay him." Alms are asmoney laid out to the best . interest, and are a growing treasure. But should I hope for no new beneficial return of all my kindness tomen, the verybenefits received of God my Father con- strain me to this bounty. Has he given all things to a poor worthless creature, and shall I give nothing to the poor, or the. unworthy? Shall I not rather imitate the profuse bounty of my, God, who commands his sun to shine, and his rain todescend both on the evil and the good. It is a divine excellence to love -and ta; distribute as God does. Thename of Jesus my Saviour has yet afurther power to oblige me to use all myearthly possessionsfor his honour. Has