SEI?MO XXXVI1I. S43 Christ Jesus purchased this large and fair inheritance for the With his blood, has he givenme much on earth, and thehopes of greater treasures in heaven, then I will be my own no longer, but give my whole self up to him, with all my powers and talents, and possessions ! They are thine, blessed Saviour, they are thine for ever. It is the solemn and deliberate wish of my heart, that I may never possess or enjoy any thing from whièh Christ has no revenue of glory. O that his grace may enable me to employ things present for this holy purpose !. And when I arrive at the actual possessionof things to come, they shall be improved in an unknown but a nobler manner, for the everlasting glory of my God, my Father, and my Saviour. The Recollection of the doctrinalpart. " In this discourse; O my soul, thou hast not only been ,Coifed to survey the riches of thy inheritance, but thou hast learned also, in what manner . this inheritance is made over to thee, if thou art a sincere chris- tian, and a believer on the Son of God. " Look backward, my soul, to eternal ages, before the world began, when God marked out the boundsof this Creation, and the limits of these heavens, and this earth, he designed them with all their treasures, for the service of his holy ones, for the benefit of his children, angels and men ; and thy name and thy share was written down amongst them. The great God, in those early days of his eternity, has provided a rich suffici- ency for thy present and future blessedness. O may my faith take this delightful and distant retrospect, and rejoice in God's eternal's love ? " God has given all things into the hands of his own Son Jesus, whom he bath ordainedLord of all, that he might govern and dispose of all things for the good of his people. Christ is risen from the dead, and hath taken possession of all the bles- sings of grace and glory, in the name of his saints, that he may make them possessors in their season, and according to their measure : 'l'hat he may make thee, O my soul, a rich possessor of so fair an inheritance ; and that he may keep every part of it secure for thee, till in succession of times and seasons, both in earth and in heaven, thou art fit to receive and enjoy it. If thou art made a joint -heir with Christ, thou art heir of all things. But remember, it is a living faith in Christ that must entitle thee to this rich inheritance. It is of infinite importance then, to searchoften and enquire, Am I a christian indeed ? A sincere convert, a believer in Jesus ? And does my faith evidence itself in all the fruits of repentance, love, and holiness ? O may I feel my soul to live daily this divine life by the faith of the Son of e n 2