SERMON XL. 567 III. Liberality and compassion to the poor is another exer- cise of grace, for which this life only gives opportunity. The objects of our bounty on earth areboth saints and sinners ; for we are charged to imitate our heavenly Father, who commands his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and his rain tofall and refresh the just and the unjust Mat. v. 45, But in the world to come, the saints are raised far above the want of our compassion, and condemned sinners in their long everlasting misery are for- bid all refreshment. It is in this life only, that we can shew our love to Christ himself, by refreshing the bowels of his saints. It is here that we may treasure up matter for divine approbation and solemn applause, in the great judgment -day, when the alms that have been given in a private corner;where the left-hand has not known what the right-hand did, shall be published with honour before that innumerable assembly. " 1 remember," says our blessed Lord, " I well remember, when in yonder world ye fed my hungry saints, then ye fed and nourished me ; when ye gave drink to them, ye gave drink to me, and relieved my thirst; when ye bestowed garments on them, it was I that was naked, and ye clothed and covered me; and when ye visited them in sickness or in prison, I was the prisoner,' I was sick, and I take it as kindly as though ye had visited and comforted me." Astonishing condescension of the Son of God ! Surprizing honour put on the liberal christian ! But here is the only place for acquiring those honours, though they are published hereafter. There is no poor christian to be supplied in heaven out of the stores of your bounty, no naked saints to be clothed there. All the regions of heaven cannot afford any such object of your compassion and love. Many a saint on earth is hungry, and thirsty, andnaked, and exposedto sore hardships and necessities, but necessities and hardships are unknown in heaven. Many a widow, and orphan, and poor destitute christian, lies sick and groaning as it were at the g tes ofglory : Let us seize the oppor- tunity to feed, to support, and to comfort them ; for there is no -destitute creature, no sick, or poor, no needy widow or orphan, within the gates. Life is given to some persons for this very end ! Good Dorcas was even raised from the dead, and had her life lengthened out tomake more coats and garments for the poor. Ministering to the saints is a delightful labour, and a business worth living for. In this world the rich christian lias the honour of being a steward for God to feed his children ; but in the world above, there are no earthly treasures to receive such a sort Of consecra- tion asthis is, no alms to be offered up ,as an acceptable sacrifice