SERMON XL. 873 shame and inward pain at the heart, as arenecessary to that duty of repentance that is, required here onearth ; for there is nothing must break in upon their perfect peace or joy in heaven. As God is said not to remember their iniquities, because he does not remember them in order to punish, so the saintsabove are not said to repent of sin, because they have no such shame and grief accompanying it as whilst they dwelt upon earth, and which are some of the most remarkable ingredients in our repentance. But we may suppose there is among them some sort of holy self-displicency, and somethingof a sacred regret, that ever they offended such a God, and such a Saviour ? There will be surely an inward and hearty disapprobation of their former sinful ways whenever they think upon them : And, indeed, without some reflection on their former guilt and misery, they can never give due glory to Christ their Redeemer, who rescued them from their sorrows and their sins. But all the painful and shameful attendants of this grace of repentance must be banished from heaven, because it is a state of perfect joy and peace. IX. Patience and submission to the' will of God under all manner of painful providences, gives glory to God here on earth, such as the' saints in heaven cannot give him. We are taught indeed to say, Lord, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven: But it is the preceptive will of God, or the will of his commands, which is here signified, not his providential will, whereby he punishes ; for there is no affliction in heaven, and therefore there is no such sort of submission, no exercise of patience there : They obey the will of his commands in perfec- . tion there, and God himself has no will that they should suffer, or endure sorrow. Shaw then, O believers, your submission to the will of God, here, as dear and obedient children, when your heavenlyFather sees it needful to chasten you; lieb. xii. 6-11. Ifye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons ; for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? Give him reverence therefore when he corrects you, and be ye in subjection to the Father of spirits and live. It is only children under age that their earthly fathers scourge and chastise ; such are christians in this world, the sons of God in their infant state : but when the children are grown up to manly age, they have no more chastisement; such are the saints in heaven, who are grown to the fulness of the measure of that stature which God designs for them in Christ. This life therefore is the only time when you can honour the sovereignty and the wisdom of God your Father, when he sees fit to take his rod in hand, and to instruct you in righ- teousness. X. A sacred compassion for perishing sinners, and longing