sit PÌirv1LEGE OP THE LIVING ABOVE THE óEÁ11., desire and labour for the conversion of souls, is a business that belongs to this life only. When we are past the line of time, and entered into eternity, we can add no new subjects to the kingdom of our Lord : This is a service that can be performed no where but in the present state : It is the living, and they alone that have this work intrusted with them. When the lips are closed in the grave they cannot speak for God, nor exhort sinnersto be saved. Let ministers call up all their powers then to the blessed work -of the gospel. Let them stir up all their gifts, and employ Mein all for thewelfare of immortal souls. What is the furni- ture of human learning ? What are their talentsof oratory, their flowing language, and their art of persuasion ? What is their vivacity of spirit, their sweetness of voices their penetrating force of elocution? What are all these but weapons of warfare to fight against the kingdom of Satan among men, and instru- ments to build úp the church of God on earth ? What are they all but consecrated gifts to win souls to Christ out of the king- dom of this world ? They are given only for service in the pre- sent life. Let us use them then with our utmost skill for these holypurposes : For, Whether there be tongues they shall cease:- Whether there be knowledge and human learning, that shallvanish array? 1 Cor. xiii. 8, 9. These poor imperfect talents are not made for heaven. Let our zeal therefore employ them to the utmost on earth. O let us be instant in season. and out of season, and proclaim the terrors of the law to awaken the stupid and impenitent, to make them fly from the wrath to come. Let us publish the glad tidings of the gospel,.and by all the methods of compassion and tenderness, let us beseechand intreat sinners to be reconciled to God. Let us set theunsearchable riches of Christ before them, the all sufficiency of his righteousness, and the power of his grace ; and study and cdntrive how we may address theirconsci- ences in the most successful manner, till we have won their hearts over to Christ and salvation. And let this not only be the labour of the sanctuary, and the work of our public offices in the church, but let the houses where we dwell, and the families where we visit, be witnesses for us in the great day, that we have, instructed and warned the souls of men, that we have carried on the business of the pulpit in the parlour, and have spread the savour of the knowledge of Christ through all our conversation. Let parents that are solicitous for the eternal welfareof their offspring, and love their sons and daughters as their own souls, let.them seize the present opportunity.for this sort of work. Let themmake use of all the language of gentle authority, and of