SERMON XL. 581 above cannot give .him, and which; at the moment of death, must for ever cease. Blessed Spirit, lead me to the practice of the most useful duties, that my service may be of a large extent both to God and man. Now let me study and contrive, wherein I may best pro- mote the interest of Christ and his gospel here on earth. Let mebear the burdens of life with aholy satisfaction : Let me en- dure the fatigues of labourwith a sacred pleasure : Let me resist the temptations, let me sustain thesorrows of life like a good sol- dier of Christ in the present field of battle. Heaven will have other business for me, and proper work of its own : That is the place of joy and triumph. rr Forgive, O my God, all my slothfulness in duty, and my impatience of suffering. Let this new and glorious motive pos- sess my spiritpowerfully, and influence all myfuture conduct,that when the messenger of death shall tell me, I must be employed in this sort of work no more, I may look back from the borders of eternity, and rejoicethat I have been assisted by divine grace, to do so much for God on earth; and when I am called away from the present stage of action, I may be received by my great Master at the gates of heaven, with a Well done good andfaith- ful servant, come, enter into'the joy of thyLord. Amen. HYMN FOR SERMON XL. The Privilege of the Living above the Dead. AWAKE my zeal, awake my love, And servemy Saviour here below, In works which all the saints above, Whirls holy angels cannot do. My faithand hope may see the Lord, Though veils of darkness liebetween : Hope shall rest firmupon his word, And faith rejoice in things unseen, Awake my charity and feed The hungry soul, and clothe the poor; In heav'n are found no sons of need, There all these duties are na more. Subduethy passions, O my soul, ,Maintain the fight, thy work pursue, Daily thy rising sins controul, Aud be thy vict'ries ever new. The land of triumph lies on high, Thereare no fields of battle there; Lord, I would conquer till I die, And finishall the glorious war. Let ev'ry flying hour confess I gain thy gospel fresh renown, And when my lifeand labours cease, May I posmss the promis'd crown.