Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

SERMON XLI. '593 concerns in the light of the last judgment, and, as it were, under the piercing rays of the great tribunal; when we hear him abasing himself to the dust in the most vilifying expressions, be- cause of his sins, and yet rejoice in the evidences of his graces, and repeating the promisesof the gospel with apleasant hope ; this teaches us to converse with our own souls in a more lively manner, about sin and forgiveness, about death and eternity ; for it brings these awful themes into open view, amt sets them before us in their infinite importance. This reads us a glorious lecture upon the gospel of Christ, and pardoning grace, and the sanctifying Spirit, and the hope of glory, beyond what we ever found before in the best of sermons, and under the warmest preachers. Come, myfriends, come into the chamber of a dyingchris- tian, come, approach his pillow, and hear his holy,language " I am going up to heaven, and I long to be gone, to be where my Saviour is. Why are his chariot-wheels so long a coming?. Then with both arms stretched up to heaven, I. desire to be with God. I hope I am a sincere christian, but the meanest, and the most unworthy : I know I am a great sinner ; but did not Christ come to save the chief of sinners ; I hope I shall find acceptance in Christ Jesus. I have trusted in him, and I have strong con- solation. I have been looking intomy own heart, what are my evidences for heaven ? Has not the scripture said, He that be- lieveth shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life ; John iii. 16. Now, accordingto the best knowledge I have of what faith is, I do believe in Christ, and I shall have life everlasting. Does not the scripture say, He that hungereth and thirsted& after righteousness shall be satisfied ; Mat. v. 6. Surely I hunger and thirst after it, I desire to be holy, I long to be conformable to God, and to be made more like him ; shall I not thenbe satisfied ! I love God, I love Christ, I desire to love himmore, to be more like him, and to serve him in heaven without sin, I havefaith, I have love, Ihave repentance, yet I boast not, for I have nothing of myself, I speak it all to the honour of the grace of God, it is all grace; I say then, I have faith, and repentance, and love ; but faith and repentance are all nothing without. Christ ; it is he makes all acceptable to the Father, and I trust in him. My friends, I have built onthis foundation Jesus Christ, he is indeed the only foundation : Have you not built on the same foundation too ? This is myhope. Is it not your hope also ? . Dear bro- ther, I shall see you at the right-hand of Christ: There I shall see our friends that are gone, a little before : I shall be with them first before you. I thank you, my friends, for all your offices of love'; youhave prayed with nie, you have refreshed, me. I love Q