Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.1

598 DEATH IMPROVED. down among the possessions of thypeople : since thouhast taught so many of thy followers to triumph over it ; let me also, blessed Jesus, let me be enabled to meet it with holy fortitude, and a lively hope. O let me follow the footsteps of theflock, into the world of spirits, with a sacred pleasure, though it be through a dark passage. And as those, who went before me, have taught me to dare to die, so let my dying moments encou- rage those who come after me, to venture into death, at thy call, without terror and without reluctance." Amen. HYMN FOR SERMON XLI Deathof Mankind, Saints andSinners, Improved. TIM death suchvast destructionmade Does every hour increase the dead Here I behold theguilt of sin, That brought this spreading mischief in. Great Clod ! How awful andhow just ! Thy law, that turnsour flesh todust ! O let me learn how frail am I, And all my life prepare to die. When impious wretches yield their breath, And IN uppardoted down to death, Awake my soul, adore the grace, Thatgave thee a repenting space. But when a saint with cheerful air Meets his last foe, and feels no fear, Our faith, our hope, and courage grow We learntoface the tyrant too. We could renounce our all thingshere, And wish that moment would appear, When we shall leave this world and riss To meet the joys above the skies,