602 DEATH OF KINDRED. " Never did I live so much upon my God, I never knew nor loved my Saviour so well, never conversed so much with his word, never did I find such sweetness in his names, nor his pro- mises, nor such pleasure in secret converse with him, as I have done since the day I lost such afriend, or such a dear relation by thestroke of death : I have learned now to put no trust in crea- tures ; for their breathgoeth forth, and that very dau their thoughts of kindness perish; Ps. cxlvi. 3 -8. Now refuge fails me, no man seems to be concernedfor nze, since the death of such a friend ; I say, therefore, to my God, thou art my refuge; Ps. exlii. 4, 5. III. The death ofour dearestfriends callsus to a noble trial of our love to God, and our submission to his sovereignty. Hu- man nature indeed is afraid of trials; but when the present aids of divine grace give us the victory, then blessed is the man that endureth temptation ; forwhen he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the .Lord hath promised to them that love him; games i. 12. And upon this account, he exhorts christians in the second verse, to a very sublime and difficult practice, My bre- thren, countit all joywhen yefall into divers temptations, know- ing this, that thetrial of your faithworkethpatience, and if it en- dures the trial, it will befound untopraise, andhonour, and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ; I Pet. i. 7. When God sends his messenger of death, and takes a dear and beloved creature from our arms, or our bosom, the divine question is like that of our Lord to Peter, Simon, lovest thoume? Johnxxi. 15 -17. Christiap, lovest thoume more than thou lovest this creature? Art thouwilling to resign this comfort at mycall ? Hast thou not given thyself to me, and does thy heart refuse to give up thy son, thy brother, or thy dearest friend ? Hast thou not called me thy sovereign ? I am come now to enquire into thy sincerity. Doss thou resign thy most beloved objects to my dis- posal ? I gage pp my Son to death for you ; and have you any thing so dear to you as my Sonwas to me ? What says your heart in answer to these solemn questions ? Do you love me above all things, or no ? Is your will bowed down tomy foot ? Can you now repeat from your very souls the same language, in which you have often addressed mein your closets, and in mysanctuary, " I am thine, Lord, I am thine ; all that I have is thine ?" Or do youmurmur and quarrel at myprovidence, when I send my ser- vant death to your house, totrywhether these professions of yours were sincere or no ? Happy the christian that comes off with honour in this hour of trial, and who can say heartily, Lord, I resign what thou de- mandest, and am angry with myself that I should find so much . reluctance in myheart, to surrender any thingat,the call ofGod !