SERMON XLII1. 613 death has conveyed them into the presence of their heavenlyFa- ther, they shall forsake his law no more ; there are no more transgressions for the rod to correct, the stripes of chastisement cease for ever; and their Father, and their God, shall be angry no more. The bestpart of the promises are fulfilled when a soul ar- rives at heaven. The promise of the resurrectionof the body yet remains unaccomplished indeed ; but every separate spirit in heaven waits for it with full assuranceof accomplishment. " I have found," says the holy soul, " so many rich promises of the covenant fulfilled already, and I am in the possession of so many divine blessingsthat Godonce foretold, that I am well assured that my God is faithful who has promised, and the rest shall be all fulfilled." V. Death raises us above the mean and trifling pleasures of the present state, as well as delivers us front all present pains, and brings us into a world ofperfect ease, and superior and re- fined delight. It divides us from the pains and pleasures, that we derive from the first Adam, and sets us in the midst of superior blessings, which the second Adam has purchased for us. Weshall hungerno more, we shall thirst no more, neither shall the scorching heat of the sun light upon us, or any painful influence from the elements of this world : The Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shallfeed us with celestialfood, suited to our purified natures, and lead us to drink full draughts of unknown pleasure, which is described by living fountains of water. We shall see God himself, the original beauty, and the spring of all delight : We shall see our Lord Jesus Christ, the most illustrious copy of the Father, the m his glory, and the express image of his person, and God himsel shall wipe away all tearsfro our eyes; Rev. vii. 16, 17. hough the wages ofsin is death by the appointment of the law of God ; Rom. vi. 23. yet this very death is constrained to serve the purposes of our great Redeemer; and it brings us into the possession of that eternal life, which is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. VI. Death not only gives us possession of promised bles- sings, but it banishes all our fears and doubts for ever, by fixing us in a state of happiness unchangeable. They that are once entered into the temple of God on high shall no more go out of it ; Rev. iii. 12. For they are established in the house of God, they are as pillars there, they become apart of that vast and living temple, in which God dwells for ever in all his glory. Death is ours ; for it finishes our fears, it fulfils our wishes and our hopes, and leaves us no more room to fear to all eternity. When we behold the face of God in righteousness, and awake