Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

StRMON XLIX. 07 such easy obedience is for ever paid to this law of God without the least transgression." The moral law carries all its demands up to that blessedcountry, and whatsoever other laws are in farce there, it is this eternal lawthat gives authority to them all, and every inhabitant answers all the demands of it by a free and chearful obedience. Happy world indeed, where so pure and so perfect a law of the Creator cannot charge one creature with transgression and . guilt ! A world without sorrow and without sin ! A strange unknown blessedness to creatures such as we, who were born and brought up in this dark region of sins and sorrows ! It is the office of the law here on earth to give us the knowledge of sin ; but there it shall lose this office, it shall convince us of sin no more; for it shall dwell in us, to discover the beauty of holiness, and to make" us for ever holy, O when will that day come, that we shall be sanctified in. this complete degree ? When shall that blessed state commence, and the law be wrought into our nature with such power, and be practised with such perfection, that it will be able to bringno charge of sin against us either in thought, word or deed for ever ? While we groan here, being burdened under the remains of corruption, while the law of God which works in our consciences gives us many a severe reproof and heart-ache, let us look forward with hope And desire toward that state, where our hearts shall be moulded into the very form of this law by the efficacy of divine grace, where sin shall be banished from all the powers of our. souls, and pains, and sorrows, and death, and all the bitter fruits of sin, shall be done away, and shall be found no more for ever. .$mega. VOL. Íi.