Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

SERMON LIV. 163 The FOURTH head of my discourse shall address you with somehints of encouragement, and I shall not much enlarge upon them, since the review of the excellent sermons that have been published on this occasionmay administer to you more spirits and vigour to promote this reforming work, this war with national iniquities. Consider, First, what abundant success you have already had in these pious, labours ; you have seen part of your hopes already accom- plished. Wickedness is put out of countenance : Impiety is not so public as once it-was, nor religion so much affronted. We may now walk the whole lengthof the city, and our ears not be afflict- ed with one oath or blasphemy. There are not so many viola- tions of decency in the streets, nor inroads upon modesty and ho- nour. Virtue is not so much ashamed to appear as once it was, nor afraid to wear its own colours. The remainder of your work is attendedwith greater ease : You have been successful in the first onset ; proceed then with pleasure, and finish the glorious war. Let others be encouraged to list themselves in this service, which is now grown more tolerable since the forerunners have broke down the strongest bars of difficulty, have made rough ways plain for those that follow, and have borne the burden and heat of the day, Consider again, Secondly, What an influence you have had to save the nation from overflowing iniquities, and perhaps also from overflowing scourges. Surely you have been some of those that have mourn- ed in secret for all the abominations that were done in former years in themidst of the land, andno doubt there is a divine mark setupon your foreheads, which the destroying angel shall read, if ever he be sent throug h the midst of the city to slay utterly the old and theyoung ; Ezek. ix. 4. But ye have been some of those that hitherto have stood in the breach, as Phinehas did, when the anger of the Lord has been breaking in upon the camp of our Israel. Ye have beenzealousfor his name sake. Yehave executed judgment, and turnedaway the wrath of the Lord; Num. xxv. I1. And as we have reason to believe your interest in the court of heaven has been considerable on the peace ofthe nation ; so it is unknown what valuable service ye have done for particular souls. Perhaps there are some that bless God atthis day for the first inward convictions of sin they received byyour providential discovery'of their vices. Perhaps there are some now in heaven, whose stupid consciences you first awakened, and made them more susceptible of the impressions of the gospel. Go on then, according to theadvice of Solomon ; Prov. xxii. 13, 14. -With- hold not correction from the child, for of thou beatest)aim withthe rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat himwith therod, and shalt deliverhis soul f rom hell. Go on with this design to convert the i. 2