Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

DISCOURSE I. 189 work of God to raise the dead: See Rom. iv. 17. This is God's eminent prerogative. Surely he must be no common favourite of heaven, on whom thegreat and almighty God bestows such a 'privilege ; Acts iii: 13,. 15: Ye have killed the Prince of Life, whom God hath raised fonz the dead; whereof we are witnesses. II. Reason. Because as his rising from the dead is the great proof of his mission, so the resurrection of Christ is the 'great foundation of the christian's hope ; which will appear in several particulars, viz. 1. This was a testimony of his having answered the end for which he died, having made full atonement for sin, andhis being released from the hands of punishing justice; Acts ii. 24. Rom. iv. 25. -Rona.. viii. 34. He took our sins on him, he'did bear the punishment of our iniquities; 1 Pet. ii: 24. he bare our sins in his oree body on the tree, &e. And death is the . wages of sin. Now whenlie had taken our sins onhim, unless he had made full atonement and expiation for 'sin, lie .would have lain under the power of death' 'still; 'but being raised from the dead, it appears that divine justice hath received full satisfaction for sin ; and the way is open for the justice of God to receive sinners into favour, ` 2. This is the beginhing of his exaltation and his power, to bestow all the blessings of the gespel, sanctification, salvation, and eternal life ; as well as all the gifts of the Spirit which con- 'firmed his religion. See Acts ii. 32, 33, 36. " This Jesus hath God raised ip, whereof we are all witnesses: therefore being by the right-hand ofGod exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the'HolyGhost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and heat Therefore let all the'hense ofIsrael know as- suredly, that God hath made that same Jesusboth Lord and Christ;" Acts v. 31. " Him bath God exalted with his right- hand, to`be aPrince e and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgivenessof sins.His government, his interces- sion; his coming to judgment, all depend on this ; and his power to bestow heavenon his disciples,as well as his power to punish the°tvilful; and obstinate, and impenitent, who renounced or re- jected his name, his gospel, andhis salvation. 3. This Jesus Christ, risen from the dead is the prime foun- 3ation of our most glorious expectation, it is the pattern and pledge of our final hope and blessedness : " because I live ye shall live also," saith our blessed Lord : John xiv. 19. xii 26. " Where I am,-there shall also my servant be ;" ,1 Cor. xv. 20, 49. " Now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first- fruits ofthem that slept : As wehave born the imageofthe earthly, swshall.we also.bear -the image of the heavenly:" 2 Cor. iv. 14. " Knowing that he which raised up the Lord. Jesus, shall raise