198 ST. PAUL'S DIVINE COMMISSION. from the dead, by virtueof the bloodof the everlasting covenant Heb. xiii. 20. Rom. viii. 34. Several of the dead saints arose after his resurrection, and that bythe virtue of it, Mat. xxvii. 53. as an emblem of the many dead souls that should rise from a death in sins and trespassesby the same influence. Lph: ii. 5, 6. A risen Saviour bath, se- cording to the apostle's preaching, given them repentance and re- mission of sins. Luke xxiv. 46, 47. They are raised from a death in sins, by virtue of the resurrectionof Christ. 2. I-lowmany earthly, carnal and sensual souls, have been made heavenly- minded, by faith in a risen Saviour. Many there are who have felt the power of the word ; Col. iii. 1. If ye are risen with Christ, set your affections on things above, where Christ ,sitteth at the right-hand of God. A risen Jesus calls the soul upward, and heaven -ward. What have we here on earth worth living for, since Jesus is risen from the dead, hath left the world and gone to heaven ? Jesus our hope, our life, our eternal joy; Col. i. 27. This gospel of a risen Saviour bath done moreto refine the heart from earth, and flesh, and sensuality, and the love of this world, and turn it to God, and things heavenly, than all the reasonings of philosophers through all ages, and in all nations. Compare the cities where they disputed, with the churches whioh Paul planted, and then judge. 3. How many captives of Satan have been releasedby the Power of Jeans, since his release from the grave ? The devil had no power to hold Christ in the fetters of death ; Acts xii. 37, 38.'and bath been forced to release thousands of his slaves bythe authority of a risen Jesus. Col. ii. 15. find having spoiledprin- cipalitiesand powers; he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Ps. lxviii. 18. Thou hast received gifts for men, even for the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them. And Eph. iv. 8, 9, 13,15. He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men, whereby they were made prophets, teachers, ministers. &c. 4. Howmany 'fearful and feeble creatures have grown bold and victorious in sufferings, and have conquered death itself, by faith in g dying and rising Saviour ? Thanks be to God, who gív- eth us the victory, through, our Lord Jesus Christ; 1 Cor. xv. 57. Howmany believers have laiddown theirbodies in the dust with sweet satisfaction and jey, through faith in the resurrection of Christ, and have triumphed over the grave ? O death where is thysting? Ograve where is thy victory? 1 Cor. xv. 55. St. Paul had seen abundance of this work performed through the nations where he planted the christian churches, and these won- ders of salvation wrought among the Gentiles, by his preach - ing of Jesus and his resurrection; and every one of these