248 ' £AITM IN ITS LOWEST DEGIREES. Surely if we are awake, and in our right senses, there is not a soul of us in this assembly, but must feel itself under seine of these unhappy circuunst- Ices. Corne then, ye sinful and dis- tressed souls, ye helpless crea:nres, ye perishing dying wretches of every kind V: Come let me lead you to this heavenly Saviour; and may my own soul join with yours to partake of this full, _this ail-sufficient salvation. Blessed Redeemer, make us all willing to be saved, and- let us seek our help from thy hands ! I go on now: to thefourth enquiry : And that is, what must we do in order to be partakers of this blessing ? The words of the invitation are, look unto me. Now when persons in distress are called to look to any one for help, it implies to trust in him, to depend upon him, to seek help from his power and goodness. See thehistory of thecripple who seeing Peter and Johngoing into the temple asked analms: and they said, Look on us: Upon which hegaveheed to thons, expecting to receive something ofthem ; Acts iii. 4, 5. So looking Unto God signifies dependance on him, and expectation of mercy from-him. Fle know not what to do, saith Jelroshaphat; 2 Citron. xx. 12. but our eyes are upon thee. So Ps. xxiv. 5. They looked rutto him and were lightened. When there was universal distress round about, saith the pro- phet; Micah vii. 7. I ill look unto the Lord, Iwillvaitfor the God ofmysalvation. It is evident from the sacred, as well as the common use of this word, that it signifies the same as ,believing or trusting in. Christ in the New Testament, which is the appointedmeans ofour obtaining a share in his salvation. Acts xvi. 31. "- Believe on theLord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Sinnersof the Gentiles are.required in my text to look to him. It is fore- told by the sameprophet, that to' him shall the Gentiles seek; Is.- xi. x. Which is cited and interpreted by St. Paul ; Rom: xv. 12. " In him shall the Gentilestrust. The soul then, that is so far sensible of its past iniquities, its wilt and danger of hell, and that feels so much of its inward sin- ful nature, appetites, and passions,' as to know its own- inability tcs procure pardonof God for sins past, or to.make itself holy for time to come, and .sees also in Christ such a glorious all-suffì- ciencyof help and relief, and upon this account commits itselfby prayer andhumble trust, or dependance, into the hands of Jesus Christ, as an. all-súficient Saviour, sincerely and earnestly de- . sirous of his coráplete salvation in all the parts of it, the holiness and the happiness ; this soul is a believer in Christ ; this soul has looked to Chrisf, in the sense of my text, and shall-certainly be saved, Because the duty of 1111114 trusting, or believing, is so necessary to salvation, thereforeit has pleased God in his word to render the notion of it plain and easy, by many, metaphors and figures ofspeech, to accommodate the capacities and understand-