IMSCOÚRSE vní: 255 obtain eternal life ? " The righteousness óf the law saith, do this and live : But the "righteousness of faith says, Be- lieve and be saved ;" Rom. x. 5, 6, 9. It is granted that this saving faith must be a vital principle in the soul, that Manifests itself in repentance; and endeavours after universal holiness; for a dead faithcannot save : But it is not our holiness that can pro -. vide acceptance with an offended God, it is faith in the sacrifice and righteousness of the Redeemer, that is the means appointed for this end. The great God has appointed it, and whoshall dare to forbid ; his authority is sovereign, and his appointment a+ sufficient warrant for our hope. 3. I am God, and there is none else, includes thus much also for the comfort and assurance ofthe believing sinner ; that there is none can prevent your salvation, if you comply with the grad- Otis proposals. Who shall condemn ifGod will justify ? Rom. 33, 34., Who canpluck us out of the hand of Christ, or separate usfrom his love? John x. 28. Who shall destroy, if God will save ? It is his property, and his divine prerogative, to kill and tomake alive, to save and to destroy; Deut. xxxii. 39, 43. " See now, that I, even I am he ; and there is no God with me ; I kill, and I make alive ; I wound, and I heal ; neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. Rejoice therefore, O ye nations, ye Gentiles, together with his people Israel ; for lie will render vengeance to his adversaries, and he mer- ciful to his land ; Is. xliii. 11, 13. I, even I, am the Lord ; and beside me there is no Saviour. I will work ; and who shall let it ?" Thus it appears, that there is abundant ground from the words of my text, fora poor perishing sinner to raise his hope to assurance that he shall be saved, if he doesbut sincerely an- swer this gracious invitation from heaven, and trust in God, as he isrevealed in our Lord Jesus Christ, for salvation, according tothat description of true faith which is given us in the wordof God. All the improvements I shall make of this discourse at present, shall be contained in these four reflections. I. We may learn from this scripture, how extensive and glorious is the salvation of Christ ! Howanswerable it is in every respect to the weaknesses and the wants, to the miseries, dangers, and fears, of a convinced, and awakened sinner! It reaches to those who are perishing in the ends of the earth. Let us survey them a little more particularly. 1. 'Is our guilt and distress exceedinggreat and dreadful ? Behold here a salvation ofrich fulness and divine all-sufficiency : for it isa God that provides it. The riches of grace, the depths of wisdom, and the efforts of almighty power are employed in . this blessed work ;,and the mercy is expressed in the manner of a speaking God: Hewho said, Let there be light, and there teas