Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

FAITH IN ITS LOWEST DEGREES.. light, says alsò, 'look and be saved,: And the sinner looks mare; ceives salvation. . It is a God who commands deliverances for Jacob, and salvation for his people; P. xliv. 4. 2. Are our enemies great and mighty ? Are the flesh, ami the world, and the powers of hell engaged against the safety of our souls? yet our salvation is perfectly and eternally secure.; for he that saves us is God : No creature.can divest us of it, and . there is no otherGod besides hint. Neither height, nor depth, nor principalities, nor powers nor life, nor death, nor any creature, shall separate usfrom the loveof God, in Christ Jesus, our Lord; Rom. viii. 38, 39. 3., Are we at such a dreadful distance from God, that we seem to be on the utmost verge of all hope, at the ends of life and this world, at the borders of hell and despair ? . Yet we are within the reach of the call of mercy, within the,sound of the aoiee of Christ, and his extensive grace : Look from the ends of the earth, and be saved. Ì Are we poor impotent creatures, that can donothing to makesatisfaction to God forour sins, and little or nothing towards the restoring 'our souls to the likeness of God, and the recovery of holiness ? Do we stand ill needof such a Saviour, that must work all our works for us, and in us? Behold such a one in my text : He requires of you but to look tohim, and trust in him, in the manner I have described, and the salvation isfree and sure. Christ himself will bestow it on us. There are some poor, me- lancholy, desponding creatures, who areeven almost overwhelm- ed with a sense of their guilt, and of thepower of sin in them, and are just givingup all hope, who have need to have the riches; and amazing condescensions of grace to be set before them, in such a manner as this. And blessed be God, that his gospel contains in it such abounding mercy to creatures so miserable. We may therefore cry out with joy and thankfulness, and holy wonder : O the fulness and sufficiency of this salvation ! It is God who pròvides it, who knows and can supply all the vast vari- ety of our wants ! O the wide extent of it ! It reaches to all na- tions, to all characters of persons, even to the ends of the earth. O the rich freedom of this grace, that requires us to look, and be saved ! O what free and full, what large and extensive, what rich and sovereign salvation ! II. What a blessed security of this salvation is given to all those who comply with the invitation Of this grace 1 It is as safe as it is extensive. No creature can take away what a God re- solves to. bestow. No finite being can prevent what an infinite being resolves to do. If he that is God will save, none else can destroy, or frustrate the designed salvation ? Who shall forbid the blessing that the Almighty Saviour will confer on those who look to him froth `the ends Of the earth ? The enemy, even dia