DISCOURSE VIII. 281; the book of divine remembrance ; and has shewn him his own name written in the Lamb's book of life, from the foundation of theworld. 8: Then he may turn his eyes to all that glorious assembly on high ; he may look on the saints in their robes of light; as companions of his blessedness, and the troops of angels as minis-, ters of fire, to execute vengeanceon all his enemies ; Andheralds toprepare his way to the upper heavens. He may fix his eyes with mostintense and transporting delight on Christ his sovereign Lord, and behold him hereafter with eyes of sense amidst the honours of heaven, whom he had beheld here with an eye of faith, amidst the sufferings of the cross, and the agonies of the garden. " This is he, says the saint, whose voice of mercy I heard in.yonder perishing world, and to whom I looked from the ends of the earth; that I might be saved. I believed him then to have all the fulness of the godhead dwelling in him bodily ; and as Godmanifest in the flesh, I worshipped him, and trusted in him. I behold him now as thebrightnessof hisFather's glory, and his divinest image : I find him to be a complete and all- sufficient Saviour; for I stand possessed of his divine salvation, My knee bows, andmy tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. P is one with the Father. To him that sittetlĂ upon the throne ,ley to the Lamb, be blessing, andhonour, andpower, and gl- , ever and ever. Amen. Rev. N.13. rry, for +8