IDISCOURSE IX. Faith built on Knowledge. 2 Tim. i. 12. I know whom I havebelieved, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to bins, against that day. THE FIRST PART. WHEN this epistle was written to Timothy, St. Paul, the writer of it, was a prisoner at Rome ; therehe layunder a heavy chain, andwas exposed to public shame for the sake of the gos- pel. He had death in a near view, and was preparing for the bloody stroke. For in the sixth verse of the last chapter he says, I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand: I have fought the goodfight, and my course is finished. But he seems to assure himself upon the words of my text, and grows bold upon this foundation of solid comfort : As though he should should say, " None of these things move me, nor am I afraid to die, for I shall not be lost : I suffer'; but I am not ashamed : I know whomI have trusted to take care of me in death, and all beyond it; even to the great day of retribution." It is pleasing and glorious to see this apostle, this little meals figure of a man, whosepresence and whose speech were both con- temptible; 2 Cor. x. 10. to see how he builds upon this hope, and assumes divine courage in the midst of pain and shame, in the very face of scandal and martyrdom. " Let me die out of this world, though with infamy, violence, and blood ; but I have been told of life, and joys, and hononrs, in the world to come : and that with such evidence, as to constrain my belief ; And I knowwhom I have believed. Let my barbarous executionerand the sword rob me of the short remains of this present life ; but I have committed my soul, and all my infinite concerns, for a long hereafter, into the hands of an almighty and a sure Friend, and I ampersuaded he is able to keep what I have committed to him against that day." This is the language of a lively hope, and these are the words that have administered constant support to many dying Christians. Now that such a hope may appear to be rationally built upon this text, and that our present meditations and dis- course may proceed with more regularity and profit;, I must briefly explain the words. The-chief things that want any ex- plication are these four: