Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

DISCOURSE. IX. 269 is able to keep what is committed to him unto the great day, and to save them to the uttermost that come to God by him ; seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them ; and is such an high- priest as the Son of God, holy, harmless, and undefiled ;" Heb. vii. 25, 20. He pleads.for aliens and strangers, in the virtue of his sonship ; for criminals in the efficacy of his obedience ; and we joyfully commit ourselves, poor sinful and perishing strangers and criminals, to him, to be introduced into theFather's presence, because he has the most powerful influence, and the strongest interest in heaven. G. He lives for ever ; Rev. i. 18. " I amhe that liveth, and was dead ; and behold, I live for evermore." Amen. He therefore that bath known death by experience, and now stands firmly possessed of eternal life, is the most proper person that I can trust with all my concerns, my flesh and spirit, for life and death, for time and eternity. Should I presume to make myself my own keeper, yet my utmost care could pretend to reach no further than the term of this life, for whither I go in death is all darkness to me, if I had not known Christ and his gospel, who has brought lfe and immortality to light; 2 Tim. i. 10. And notwithstanding all thosediscoveries of the future state, I am still incapable of providing for myself in the invisible world. My soul and body are then separated, and I cannot keep them together, nor take care of them apart.. Where this world of souls is I know not, nor can I tell how to secure my best interest there, or direct myselfin the right way to the regionofsanctified spirits in that world, where I am so much a stranger; all the land of death is in a great measure the region of darkness still ; it is a vast unknown country, and far the biggest part of it is a burning climate, a land of torment, sorrow, and despair ; and there are a thousand roads that lead down to this gulph of wretchedness; and how shall my poor wandering soul, when dismissed from this flesh, find the way to the land of light, since I know not the paths, nor the dangers of the way, and there is no companion in death to guide me through thedark val- ley 1. How shall I dare to plunge into eternity, except some mighty friend be there to take care ofine, and conduct me to the seat of the blessed ? But my Lord Jesus lives in that unseen world ; he has passed through the region of death, and knows it well : he has the keys of death and the separate state, and is acquainted with all the avenues ofit; he is governor of tie land of blessedness, and the fittest guardian to whom I can commit my departing spirit. I leave also my poor remains of flesh to his care : These limbs I leave to moulder into dust, under the wakeful eye of his providence ; for he is Lord of this lower world too, and he