Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.2

niSdOURSE IX: t71 Christ, upon those sinners that would trust him with theirsouls ? What was the ark wherein Noah was saved, when he committed his life to the keeping of God, in that floating house, amidst the flood of waters, but an assurance ofsafety to those sinners who make Christ their refuge, when the floods of divine wrath rise high ? What was the design of the bloody sacrifices, The sacri- fices of expiation, but to hold forth the method whereby Christ should secure guilty souls from death. Time would fail me tospeak of the brazen and the, golden altar ; of burning the flesh of beasts, and the smoking incense; ofthe ark of the covenant where the law was kept; and the cover of it, which was called the mercy-seat, where the God of glory dwelt under the form of abright cloud : Time would fail me to speak of the tabernacle of Moses, and the temple' of Solomon ; of the cities of refuge, appointed for the safety of casual mur- derers; of the high-priest, of his garments, and of his offices, who was to keep the names of the tribes of Israel upon his breast and upon his shoulder. These were all the institutions and ap- pointments ofGod himself, to assure us by various carnal emblems of the fulness of that salvation by Jesus Christ; for which no single emblem was sufficient. Let us descend to later times, and behold God the Father givingtestimony to his Son, by kindlinga new star inthe heavens at his birthand sending it as a guide to lead the wise men from the east and from the rising sun, to agreater and sweeter light, the Morning Star, and the Sun of Fighteáusness. He sent a voice from heaven at his baptism and pronounced in distinct lan guage, This is my beloved Son ineaom I ein, wellpleased; Mat. iii. 17. Twice more did he speak from leaven, and with an audible voice, in thetime of the life ofChrist, attest this mission: A believer knows many of these things, and receives the testi- mony of God. And this is the witness of God, which l.eiatit tes- tifiedof his Son, that eternal life is in het? ; 1 Johnv. 9, 11. Christ himselfis another witrtss that testifies his ot;n ability to save sinners, and keepwhatis committed to him; John viii. 19. I am one that bear witness of myself; and the Father that sent me beareth witness ofme. And though he bear record of himself, yet his record is true and credible ; for he came from heaven, and was made man in an extraordinary way ; and he rose again after death, and ascended to '_leaven ; which seems to be the meaning of those words, For I knowwhence I came, and whither Igo ; whichare brought as a reason of the truth of his testimony; John viii. 14. He appeared amongstrien with all the undisputed signsof the Messiah upon him ; and the doctrines that he preached, and the miracles that he wrought, and the con- vulsions of natureat his death, and the wondersof his resurree- Lion, all agree to confirm the mission of Christ, and his ability VOL. TL S